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Global Warming.

Post 21

helga danielsen

I would love to believe you were right, but I do not. I think poor old nature has been treated just too badly. I once read a book by a girl who sailed around the world solo and she said that the ocean off India and China were so full of garbage that she did not take on water in those parts. People are filthy all over the world. You live in England, or Europe or the States and Canada and you cannot imagine how stupid and dirty people are. Have you seen floods in Europe? Have you noticed how not a single plastic bag or bottel was swimming around in the flooded towns, how the water was clean? Now look at the news on TV and watch f. ex. San Paulo flooded and the filth on the water. No, I think nature cannot deal with all that. Look at the poor fish without eyes in polluted rivers... the disappearance of species every day... one could go on an on and it hurts! We will not see it, but I am afraid for my children and grandchildren. Love, F

Global Warming.

Post 22


Hi F, Yes I do believe that people are polluting all the oceans, I well one day when I was in the Navy we were sailing in the Indian Ocean we went to what showed up on our radar as a land mass. When we got there, we had to sail through miles of floating litter, that the sea currents had somehow came together and left this mass of littersmiley - erm

It was a weird experience for us to sail through it, and was sad really to see thatsmiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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