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2 girls and me...

Post 1


That's right, just what it says on the tin. Tonight, I have been invited to go to an awards ceremony with my sexy hairdresser friendsmiley - bigeyes If that wasn't good enough, her extremely sexy co-worker who seems to like me from just seeing some picture is also going...But it gets bettersmiley - magic Not only will I have their company all night at a swish do in London, but afterwards at the Hotel bash, and THEN, I'm to share a room with themsmiley - somersault

Oh happy dayssmiley - biggrinsmiley - drunksmiley - silly

2 girls and me...

Post 2


Get In! smiley - bubbly

smiley - boing

Just hope things haven't rotted through diuse eh smiley - run

2 girls and me...

Post 3


smiley - laugh

I think my 'V' plates have actually grown backsmiley - ok

2 girls and me...

Post 4


smiley - rofl

2 girls and me...

Post 5

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

Don't forget protection!

2 girls and me...

Post 6

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

And a video camera!

2 girls and me...

Post 7


Woohoo, it turned out to be THREE girlies in my roomsmiley - bigeyes

And i can now say with 100% conviction, there are no mediocre female hairdressers that work for Toni and Guy.
But i remained a gentleman and kept my elusive coolsmiley - ok

2 girls and me...

Post 8


They said no in other words? smiley - run

2 girls and me...

Post 9


Well I never asked, but according to my friend who took me, I was a big hitsmiley - biggrin

2 girls and me...

Post 10


Yeah ok smiley - tongueout

2 girls and me...

Post 11

Nova Rift (Werecat/wolf, First Mate of Pirates, Captain of The white Defender, and a Jedi Padawan named Fr' Tel Powil)

I will believe that when you show us the proof and wait you are a gentleman and you have an elusive cool? Wow thing sure have changed in the good week I was away...

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