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The Italian Job
JulesK Posted Aug 2, 2005
Welcome home
Blimey, I'd thought you'd be gone for must've really been motoring!
And we didn't even fill up your PS with too much backlog, we are nice
The Italian Job
Number Six Posted Aug 2, 2005
Oh, well we've been back since Saturday, but two of my friends had birthdays and associated booze-ups etc, and it's been kind of busy...
The Italian Job
Number Six Posted Aug 2, 2005
Mind you, seeing as we spent most of Venice in Wednesday (or would that be most of Wednesday in Venice. Or was it Thursday?) I reckon that works out at a rather respectable 500+ miles per day...
The Italian Job
Number Six Posted Aug 2, 2005
Well, last Thursday we were having a swim in St Tropez It would have been nice to have more time to have stopped for longer and at more places, but the only things we didn't really get to do were going to Turin to look at the places where they shot the Italian Job, and Clermont Ferrand and the Auvergne.
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The Italian Job
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