This is the Message Centre for Number Six
I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
Number Six Started conversation Nov 17, 2004
Further to my adventures in the Blue Stratos department, having arrived at work for a late shift and recounted my good fortune to my colleagues, one of them insists that you can still buy Toffos.
Plain *and* multi-fruit flavours!
Anything else retro out there that might have slipped the net?
I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
AlexAshman Posted Nov 17, 2004
Yep - for some reason you can get them on the internet, but the postage and packaging costs more than the sweets...
Oh, and you can still buy Mountain Dew in 24 hour supermarkets in Iceland.
I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
McKay The Disorganised Posted Nov 21, 2004
Is this the place to say that I have a belt whose buckle bears the legend -
"A man's gotta chew, what a man's gotta chew."
No - thought not.
I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
McKay The Disorganised Posted Nov 21, 2004
Sure was - I was a fag and sweetie rep for a wholesaler in 1975, and we used to get all sorts of freebies (though only the cheap or unwanted stuff.)
They had an ad featuring a cowboy being threatened with being burnt at the stake by the Indians. His last request ? A final toffo - which lasted so long the Indians fall asleep and he get s away - fade out to....
A man's gotta chew,.....
I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
Number Six Posted Dec 20, 2004
Having bought some at a newsagent's just outside Griffin Park on Saturday, they definitely haven't changed.
I gummed up my mouth and nearly couldn't do me pre-match report!
I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Dec 21, 2004
I'd like to hear you explain *that* to the boss- 'sorry boss, I had this really chewy sweet stuck in my mouth'. Hmm. Could end up being a short career
I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
Number Six Posted Dec 21, 2004
I nearly fell asleep during the first half, too. That would have gone down well...
"And now it's over to Griffin Park where Brentford are taking on Colchester"
"We seem to be having a few communication difficulties there, we'll bring you the latest as soon as possible."
In my defence, it was a terrible game until John Salako scored just before half-time (Brentford would have been booed off if he hadn't) and I'd been up since 4 and certain things had happened to me that morning which I will post details of eventually...
I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
rev. paperboy (god is an iron) Posted Dec 21, 2004
Well six, you have to call them as you see them. If it was a boring game, you owe it to the viewers/listeners/readers to say so. That's the way I've always done it.
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I Never Knew They Still Made That! (Part 2)
- 1: Number Six (Nov 17, 2004)
- 2: AlexAshman (Nov 17, 2004)
- 3: McKay The Disorganised (Nov 21, 2004)
- 4: Number Six (Nov 21, 2004)
- 5: McKay The Disorganised (Nov 21, 2004)
- 6: Number Six (Dec 20, 2004)
- 7: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Dec 21, 2004)
- 8: Number Six (Dec 21, 2004)
- 9: rev. paperboy (god is an iron) (Dec 21, 2004)
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