This is the Message Centre for Number Six

Getting rich very very slowly

Post 1

Number Six

But still, four numbers up on the national lottery equal sixty two pounds...

smiley - mod

Getting rich very very slowly

Post 2


Yes, but did you come out ahead this time or have you been playing for the last 63 weeks?

Getting rich very very slowly

Post 3

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

i'm making a relative fortune on the lottery. every week 2€ by not playing!

Getting rich very very slowly

Post 4

McKay The Disorganised

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what the ods are for predicting 4 out of 6 numbers from 47 ?

smiley - cider

Oh - welcome back - great to hear you again - Season 20 has only just started in Fantasy Football - pop round to Grey Desk's place. smiley - ok

Getting rich very very slowly

Post 5

Number Six

Oh, I know the odds are terrible - I win the odd tenner here and there, and I'm almost certainly still behind. But I quite like the combination of good causes and the admittedly miniscule chance of winning the thing.

But the thing is, when they first brought it out, I was enough of a mug to follow the advice and pick 'my numbers'.

So when I stopped doing it, whenever I saw the draw and 'my numbers' didn't come up I'd think "well, I've won another quid there".

Until I thought, what would happen if 'my numbers' did come up and I hadn't bought a ticket?

The consequences would be unbearable. So I've got a direct debit and I don't really notice nine quid vanish from my bank account every month...

smiley - mod

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