A Conversation for The Help Page Update Project

HPU: Contributing to the Guide

Post 1

Icy North

I intend to update "Contributing to the Guide".
The old version is at A462494 aka <./>Contribute</.>*.
My update can be found at A41998738.

Icy North

HPU: Contributing to the Guide

Post 2


Thanks Icy smiley - cheers

HPU: Contributing to the Guide

Post 3

Icy North


Minor point: do you have a view on commented-out sections? This entry, for example, has commented out "Topic of the Week" and "The University of Life" - presumably discontinued features.

Should I remove or should I leave as is, do you reckon? I'm leaning towards leaving them, as I know they don't like to throw anything away in this place, but I'm undecided.

HPU: Contributing to the Guide

Post 4


There's no real point in throwing them away - I'd just keep them commented out smiley - ok

Sorry for not replying sooner - not sure why I didn't see this smiley - erm

Let me know when you've got both your Entries done and they can head into PR smiley - cheers

HPU: Contributing to the Guide

Post 5

Icy North

OK Alex, I think I'm done with this (and the Editorial Process page, which I was editing in parallel)

smiley - cheers Icy

HPU: Contributing to the Guide

Post 6


PR threads:

Contribute F48874"?thread=6029223
FAQ: Editorial Process F48874

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