A Conversation for The Help Page Update Project

Automated messages

Post 1

Malabarista - now with added pony

The automated messages could use a re-vamp - for example, the e-mail that you get as a Scout when something you've picked is accepted still asks you to tell the author the good news, even though there's an automated message for that now, too.

I'd be quite willing to work on them, but I'm not involved in all the volunteer schemes. Can anyone think of other instances around the site or in the volunteer groups where automated messages are used?

Right now, I can think of:

1.) Notification in PR when something gets picked.
2.) Your Entry has been submitted to PR/FM/etc. (are there similar messages for the AWW and so on?)
3.) E-mails to Scouts, the pick has/hasn't been accepted

and perhaps 4.) the two moderation messages, one for a yikes, one for a moderation that's been upheld

and 5.) something different as placeholder text for new personal spaces, giving a few links and saying that an ACE will be along shortly.

Automated messages

Post 2


I think that's all of them smiley - ok

Automated messages

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - ok I'll see whether I can track them all down, then. The moderation ones might be a bit of a problem. Is anyone currently on premod? smiley - laugh

Automated messages

Post 4


That's your job for the day smiley - laugh

Automated messages

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh I'm sort of busy with job applications...

I think I'll split it in two, anyway, and do the PR-related messages first, then the moderation ones (because there are also moderated personal spaces/entries to think about.)

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