This is the Message Centre for AlsoRan80

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 1


Tuesday 22nd September, 2009

According to stats which appear when I log onto this website, this seems to be my 666th visit.!! I really do not know from when because I seem to remember that some while back the number 1000 cropped up.

Anyway, although I am much slower in posting now - I seem to make so many typo errors, which I do not approve of in myself. !! However this seems to be a faily important number 666.

I am now off to start seeing how the restruction(restructuring?) of my article is coming on. I hope that I can find it. However, with the marvellous memory exercises I have been practising, memories are flooding back. It is really very satisfying,!!

Have a marvellous Tuesday dear friends,


22/09/09 7.30 BST

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

You likkul devil you! smiley - evilgrin

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Where do you get that information, Christiane? I don't see anything like that when I log in. I'd love to know how many times I've connected to h2g2.

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 4

Baron Grim

Same here.

smiley - vampire Count Zero

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Typos are thje bane of my existence too, Christiane.
I don't read from the computer screen all that well, and so I miss the typos.

But I can say, in defense of your posts, that it's always clear what you are trying to say. That counts for a lot. smiley - hug

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 6

Baron Grim

Yes, we've all been well trained by 2legs to see past minor typos (in his case major assaults on grammar and war crimes against spelling).

smiley - winkeye Count Zero.

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - doh

I *knew* 2Legs was performing some kind of useful service to us all. smiley - smiley

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 8

Reality Manipulator

Hello Christianesmiley - biggrin

smiley - applauseOn your high attendance on h2g2.smiley - cheers

smiley - goodluckGood luck on the article that you are working on.smiley - ok

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 9


Congratulations to Christiane for her devilishly outstanding attendance to all things hootoo. smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

And of course smiley - cheers to 2legs for any depraved acts against spelling and grammar.

smiley - run
smiley - smiley

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 10

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I just wish he could have found Nighthoover...

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 11

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Not my fault he hasn't looked in California yet (nor any airports on the way)smiley - shrug

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 12

LL Waz

Yikes! I don't think I want to know how many times I've been online here. It's getting close to ten years - that's weird enough.

Christiane, here's smiley - bubbly to many more of your visits though.

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 13

Gnomon - time to move on

I don't know how many times I've visited h2g2, but I know I'm still subscribed to more than 13,800 conversations here. That's not including all the ones I've unsubscribed from.

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

But, and, like, though, my like thing and speling like isn't it?

ooo nighthoover? wehre....

Oo and yes how do we see how many times we've logged on.... smiley - weirdsmiley - zen

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 15


Oh my goodness,

I wish I could remember!!!.......

I also found a posting for the first time which was addressed to three silver surfers

jenny sera????digitalis, another person and your trooly.

The top Brass of h2g2 were desperately trying to get us oldies onto another website.

and I also found out that I am indubitably, the oldest member on h2g2, The other two are spring chickens in their late seventies, !!

Anyway, I took two days off after finding out this momentous hews.

I have found that being a researcher on h2g2 is a

If you have it, your have it for life. so I am afraid that until I curl up my toes I shall pop in occasionally. !!

With ever so much affection to all you dear people who have made me realise over the last two absolutely sterile, wasted, unhappy days, that it is thanks you you that I keep going.....

Actually the thing that finished me off was when the news of the sudden death of pheloxi's friend was announced. I kept thinking
But why are those so young being taken.

Anway I shall not trouble you much - only when I cannot bear not being in contact with you.

I thought I had signed myself out completely. My computer asked me

"Did I want to shut all tabs?".

I hesitated and then said Yes, thinking I had cut you all off forever. !1

Oh dear. Will I ever learn.

AlsoRan 70 and still running.

Wednesday 23rd September, 2009 9.45 BST

And dear gnoman don't try and teach me. I am past learning anything. I am like an old, febrile ape, desperately clinging to a branch and hoping like anything that either the wind will blow me down, my hand will let go, or the branch will break.

I do not seem to be able to move. !! Perhaps I have gone on the branch. !!

We had a wonderful researcher years ago who was a friend and also a cartoonist. He did a marvellous cartoon of me in my wheelchair. I unfortunately cannot remember his name, but I wish he would do one of me clinging onto the branch for dear life with the elements stacked up all desperately trying to get me to let go....... !!.

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 16



When I click onto the required space to enter this hallowed website. I get a whole page of different sites. One specifically states.
BBC. A hitchikers guide to the galaxie 670 vistis and the time.

I hope that is correct.

when i wrote it it said 666 visists. Which I felt was quite an important number.

Disappears in a flash and with a loud bang to have breakfast.


23/09/09 10 15 BST

Late breakfast. !!

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 17

Baron Grim

Hmmm... That must be a page I skip as when I come here I go directly to the front page (It's my default homepage).

I use the "remember me" option.

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 18

Gnomon - time to move on

Christiane, I wasn't trying to teach you anything. I was trying to find out how you found out that number, because I'd like to see it myself. I still don't understand how you get it.

This is my 666 th visit to this site.....

Post 19

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

There must ve some way to find out how many visits I've made. smiley - flustered

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