This is the Message Centre for owlatronas
a request from owlatron!!
owlatronas Started conversation May 17, 2003
its me yet again your probably getting sick of me now but when my space was wiped the convos for the last 2-3 weeks had been wiped aswell so if you can help me out yet again by sending me links to any convos i would appreciate it for being a nuisance!!
a request from owlatron!!
Lady Scott Posted May 17, 2003
That's the adoption center, I didn't check to see what convos you might have been on... I know it's been a long time ago though.
a request from owlatron!!
St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!! Posted May 17, 2003
andy just a though..........but presumably your going on all your friends pages to re-add them as friends right..........well if you looked on their msgs would,nt you recognise the threads that you were on too
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a request from owlatron!!
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