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My band

Post 1


Tonight is Thursday: band rehearsal.

I play u-bass in a six-piece band called Ukeristic Congress. The other five play ukes, one doubling on banjo and another on melodica and Appalachian dulcimer. The best part is that we all sing, so although we have a definite lead singer we can each take a spot or two or three. We also do a good line in backing vocals.

Our repertoire is over two hours now--this is the list of songs we did in our last gig, in Whelan's of Wexford St (o denotes an original): Lovesick blues, Ain't she sweet, Ophelia, Five foot two, Think about your troubles (Nilsson), Ukulele dreams (o), Harvest moon (Neil Young), Shine on harvest moon, Abilene, I'm on fire, Only you, Aviator (o), Swimming song (Wainwright), Pack up (Doolittle), It's my party, L.O.V.E, Bei mir bist du shane, Country roads, Light my fire, Hey good-lookin, King of the great indoors (o), Train in vain (o), A little help from my friends, Love potion no. 9, I'll see you in my dreams, Ride on (Christy Moore), Take these chains from my heart, The great world spins (o), Europa (instrumental), Another girl another planet, The bucket, Ukulele baby (o), My way, Twist again, Rawhide.

The u-bass isn't a ukulele, it's an electric bass guitar, but thanks to string technology it is built on the body of a baritone ukulele. The strings are made of polyurethane, they flop around but make a great sound and it's really lovely to play.

My band

Post 2

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I would dearly love to hear 'Train In Vain'.

My band

Post 3


You should be able to download it from our site; currently the download is a radio show we did, but the six tracks we recorded in a studio should shortly be back up there, and cheap at the price.

My band

Post 4


It's not the Clash song, confusingly; it's an original written by Shay, our lead singer.

My band

Post 5


That sounds like fun. I am so clicking on the link when I can turn the sound on the computer again. Despite the fact that everybody has gone mad for the ukelele orchestra of GB, I am ashamed to say I am not sure what a uke band would sound like.

My band

Post 6


This is the link (at the moment) where you can download the tracks free. And cheap at the price.

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