This is the Message Centre for Recumbentman

I'm off!

Post 1


This is a goodbye message; a slightly fuller one appears on my PS.

Thanks to all my good friends here who made the last five years a lot brighter. I'll probably drop by from time to time, but apologies in advance for any unanswered messages.

Happy smiley - holly days!

I'm off!

Post 2


Oh, goodbye then. I will miss your input.

Don't be shy to drop by for a smiley - stout or two!

I'm off!

Post 3

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Drop me an email, would you, as I've appreciate the level to which you've raised conversation around here, and I'll miss it if you disappear altogether.

I'm off!

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

I'm surprised by this, R, but we all feel the need to move on. I've tried it several times, but I am tied much more closely to this site than you, and always return.

I know you have plenty of things to do in the outside world, but your input has been appreciated here and you'll be welcome back any time.

I'm off!

Post 5


Thank you, R'man, for all the conversation and support over the years. And for helping open my mind as well.

You will be missed. Life beyond h2g2 is all the richer for you being in it.

smiley - hug
Fb (with a 10th star in waiting smiley - winkeye)

I'm off!

Post 6


Oh - I'm sorry to see you go too, Recumbentman. I wish you well, and hopefully you will stay in touch every so often.

I'm off!

Post 7


Thank you Toy Box, Felonious, Gnomon, Frenchbean and Woodpigeon! And a Happy New Year!

Last thoughts for 2007:

"Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

What is interesting about that question is how you expect it to have an answer.

If you realise that it is a naive question, you have gained some sophistication.

If you conclude that it is irrational, you have achieved reason.

If you see that it doesn't make any difference whether it has an answer or not, you have either reached some enlightenment or gone back to where you began.

If you see those last two alternatives as equivalent, you are now leaving the borders of language. Bon Voyage!

I'm off!

Post 8

Sho - employed again!

oh I just saw this...


I'm off!

Post 9

McKay The Disorganised

All the best RC and thanks for your contribution in many places.

Guess a lot of us will still be around complaining if you stop by any time.

Mind the potholes and keep singing.

smiley - cider

I'm off!

Post 10


And keep on moving and maybe baking bread

FBBsmiley - chocsmiley - teasmiley - ok

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