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teeth extraction

Post 1


Hi! I am having 6 teeth pulled on tuesday. 4 wisdom teeth and 2 more bad ones. I am going to be under general anasthesia. Can anyone tell me thier experiences with extractions, such as how long before you returned back to work and things? Thankyou!

teeth extraction

Post 2

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

At about age 33, I had all four wisdom teeth out. Perhaps because I was military, the expectations were different, but I was back to work the next day. With a load of industrial strength ibuprofen to minimize pain and swelling.

teeth extraction

Post 3


the anasthetic will affect you more than the extractions..youll feel weak n sleepy for a few days..otherwise you should be fine..just a bit swollen/tender in the face smiley - ok

welcome by the way!

teeth extraction

Post 4

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

I had my wisdom teeth pulled under general anesthesia - and it took me the rest of the day to get it out of my system.

I had 4 teeth pulled when I had braces put on my teeth, 3 baby and 1 permanent. They just used a local and pulled all 4 at once - that was much more traumatic than having the wisdom teeth pulled under general anesthesia!

You should do fine! You can actually go back to work the next day - you'll just have chipmonk cheeks! smiley - puff

teeth extraction

Post 5

I am no-one

Anaesthesia is a purely personal reaction. Some will shake it off in a matter of a few hours hours. Others that are weaker of constitution or have other contra-indicative substances within their system, may take days. (Prescription or foolishly self-induced chemical considerations.) The upshot is to simply take the advice of your 'dental surgeon' and the maximum allowance your life or work will grant. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

The healing of the tissue, without undue aggravations of smoking, decidedly difficult chewing, alcohol, etc, is really quite rapid.

teeth extraction

Post 6

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

I agree with you - everyone seems to react differently to anesthesia, swelling, blood loss, etc. Good advice - listen to your doctor!

smiley - cheers

teeth extraction

Post 7

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Hi Amy,

Can I suggest you ask this question in <./>Askh2g2</.>? This forum is for people who require the help of ACEs whilst Ask h2g2 is one of the main social hubs of the site smiley - smiley

Mind you, I had four teeth pulled under a general when I was six. It hurt a lot for the first couple of days, but isn't ibuprofen such a wonderful invention? smiley - ok

teeth extraction

Post 8


I've got the maximum theoretical experience with having teeth extracted. I think the most at one time as 4 but maybe 6. Never did have general anesthesia. In my experience, extractions are a lot worse looking forward to than looking back at. I've gone back to work the same day. I never had to take the Tylenol 3's they'd give me. You might have a few fragments of root stay in and work their way out but it doesn't really hurt. The most important thing for you to know is: if you're getting store boughtens, wait as long as you can to get the new ones fitted. It's kind of interesting walking around with no teeth, and gives you a whole new perspective on food. It's amazing what you can gum and/or wolf down and still get nutrition from. The thing is, the more healed your gums are the better your new teeth will fit. I have known people who got their new teeth fitted the same day the old ones came out and they hated them. Took them out to eat!
By the way, it's kinda fun to drink cold beer while your jaws still numb, it feels HOT.
Good luck

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