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always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 81



i told you all about my magic wonderful day yesterday and you didnt even bother to say hello ....walks off in huff....

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 82


Mornin' deary! How are you?

Erm... I saw a load of what can only be described as hieroglyphics! Was that it? My cryptanalysis extends to frequency analysis but code breaking is for the real patient types! Would you care to tell me again in a manner that a mere mortal such as I can understand more easily? Please ... smiley - smiley

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 83


you might try a bit of wheedling first before you be the first to hear about my magic day (full translation)

go on, i want to see your wheedle ! rofl

smiley - love kris

waiting for wheedles

Post 84


la le la le la le laaaa la le la la laaaa la

la la le la le la le laa

right here is the full translation - i am singing cos i am very very very very very very very chuffed.

smiley - biggrin

waiting for wheedles

Post 85


What is "wheedling" so I know what to do ...

Why are you chuffed? What's occuring?


Post 86


wheedle is when you tell me how nice i am and how much it means to you to be the first to know...anyway i am so impatient i couldnt wait - however the smilys didnt cut and paste so at great personal endeavour i am going to give you my full translation of the smileys now smiley - smiley (that one isnt one of them)..from right now......

//smiley - whistle i am whistling and trying to distract from my double wow-ed state smiley - wowsmiley - wow

but it is no use cos smiley - flyhi i am flying too high - so high i can only smiley - laughsmiley - laugh and laugh, a big thumbs upsmiley - cheers more wow-edness and way up there smiley - wowsmiley - flyhi (yer git the pitcher?)

then i give you a cuddle smiley - cuddlecos i like you that much (but not too much) although it is not hot and lusty - see my cool look comes nextsmiley - cool then i have to stick my tongue out at you so you know i am messing with ya like alwayssmiley - tongueout and then i show you my hidden bits smiley - magic cos that is how i feel in the bits that are hidden from view cos they are on my inside (end of translation) ...

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout just cos i like sticking my tongue out at you the best smiley - tongueout(end of translation) ...//

okokok i will tell you - a friend's mum died and they are a very rich aristocratic family and my friend told me if i wanted to clear anything they left out the house i was welcome to any money i could make on it. so i hauled some big heavy pieces off to the auction and went to watch them sold yesterday. the porter had estimated 180 squid return but i decided to expect one hundred. when i saw what the other stuff was going for (really low bids) i resigned myself to maybe not even one hundred if i was lucky. however, 2 of the pieces, scruffy and inkstained and beaten up as they were, fetched 190 each and i walked away with over 400.

the whole of yesterday was magically tinged, everything went supersmooth right and the whole day was good. but making 3x what i thought i would was a bonus.

there you are - i will stop behaving juvenile now then. smiley - tongueout soon i mean smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

smiley - tongueout


Post 87


Oh I see... Hey! Sounds to me like you may thoroughly enjoy some serious GAMBLING!

Why not give it a go, it's magic when you win but after a while you just get a "hit" from putting on the dough and watching the race or event unfold and whether you win or not is almost irrelevant! Let me know how you get on!

Congrats on the money by the way, hope it makes you happy! smiley - smiley


Post 88


i never gamble bushterpotamouse - i dont keep the money either - i just stick it all in the bank. i am not bothered about spending it. money is there to pay all the bills and keep everyone happy. (although i did buy myself a couple of tops on sale - one was 1 pound and the other two pounds fifty as a reward for all my hard humping of the pieces up snowy slippy hill) smiley - smiley

anyway ol mr. mathematical man - i came away with 4 times what i had projected - not 3 times. now which one of us should wear the dunce cap ??

today, my osteopath gave me a good maulin and a-thumpin and i am a bit less crocked now. i would hate to do my back in having all that rampant sex coming my way.

smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin


Post 89


That's not maths, it's arithmetic! I'm not very good at arithmetic! Anyway, wasn't paying an awful lot of attention to detail moreover the message of you getting a "buzz" from it?

Oh yes, deffo get yourself into shape for your firthcoming "activities"! No sense in becoming a cripple after being slipped a cripple is there?

wango while you tango :-D

Post 90


morning bouncy bushy,

it wont be long now before someone'll slipple a rippled dipple tween my lipples rofl - smiley - sorry

smiley - hug kris

wango while you tango :-D

Post 91


Mornin' Mrs! How are you today?

wiggle while you jiggle :-D

Post 92


it looks like i woke up VERY early in a bit of a cheeky mood bushbuster smiley - tongueout

hurray - friday - which means it is footie day tomorrow.

leaving you on my happiest note smiley - musicalnote top c
and with a big smiley - hug
how are you my bushy fren'smiley - huh

smiley - magickris

wiggle while you jiggle :-D

Post 93


Yeah no worries here thanks kris!

Just watching England winning the cricket ... Hurrah!

push it while you bush it :-P

Post 94


oh - how sad......i missed yuh smiley - sadface

i am really busy for a while and cant even play much hardly at all smiley - cry

hope you are happy and feeling like a smiley - star

smiley - love kris smiley - rose

bushy tushies:-P

Post 95


lol smiley - laugh

hey bushy - you not talking to me???? smiley - erm

how are you great big bushman? did you win your squash game, is mrs. bushy happier than ever with ya, have you finished all your studies for a bit? is your cold gone?

these an many other imponderables need answering best boy bushybubs smiley - tongueout

smiley - love krissmiley - rose

bushy tushies:-P

Post 96


Won squash, Mrs Whack'd is ok (I think?) and I still have minor remnants of cold ... Nothing serious though!

Feeling great thanks! You?

one in the bush is worth 2 in the hindu-kush :-P

Post 97


hi bushybigbeefyboy smiley - tongueout

smiley - cuddle i am fine - very busy, hope you like the email.

one in the bush is worth 2 in the hindu-kush :-P

Post 98


Yes, thank you for e-mail!

Think I had better get on with some w**k today unfortunately so I am in same boat as you so to speak!

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