This is the Message Centre for TriumphTone

Hello there TriumphTone...

Post 1

Oberon2001 (Scout)

Hello and welcome to h2g2!
My name is Oberon2001, I'm from the UK, I'm an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) and I'm here to welcome you to h2g2. ACEs are researchers such as yourself that volunteer to welcome new researchers to h2g2. We're generally a nice bunch, so please, be good to us. smiley - smiley
Are you sitting comfortably? Yes? Then I'll begin. smiley - biggrin

H2G2 has something for everyone and to find it Shea's List o Links -> A534953 would be a good place to start. Also, Mel (U49849), has created yet another list of links for users to peruse at their leisure -> A559695

You might be interested to know that there is an Edited Guide Entry on the Triumph GT6 -> A307144 There are also loads of entries on vintage cars, just type 'vintage cars' into the search function at the top of the page and you'll see what I mean smiley - winkeye

Also, RocketMan has written something that new users might find useful -> A725500

Of course, the Personal Space is your home page on h2g2 and the place where people can find out about you, so, if you want to spruce it up a little, this link -> A690518 <- will probably come in handy.

A community like h2g2 eventually creates its own specialized vocabulary- and some of it can get rather confusing. Go here -> A632431 <- to catch up.

If you ever get stuck on h2g2 or want to find out something about it the Gurus will probably be able to help you out. Click the 'Feedback' button at the top of the page. smiley - ok

Another fine set of people to ask would be the Italics, as they are the people that run h2g2 on a daily basis. When Italics post into conversations their name will appear in bold and Italic (for instance, when Anna -> U25 <- appears in conversations, she appears with her nickname in bold and italics).

If you ever want to get in touch with me, click REPLY at the bottom of this message or go to my Personal Space-> U204088 and click DISCUSS and I'll try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. smiley - cheers

In the meantime have a smiley - cake and some smiley - ale (or smiley - bubbly , your choice!) and hopefully I'll speak to you soon smiley - biggrin

Hello there TriumphTone...

Post 2



Thanks for your welcoming email. I am just trying to "find my feet" in this site and it was nice to get a helpful mail like yours!. How do you get those icons? Is there a list somewhere?.

Thanks again


Hello there TriumphTone...

Post 3

Oberon2001 (Scout)

Yep, there is a list. It's over at -> A155909. There's even a history of the smiley if you're interested (no really, smiley's have a history!). If you ever see a smiley in a conversation (like this smiley - biggrin) and want to know how to do it, you can also click on it and you'lll be taken straight to A155909.
Just to get you started here are some simple smiley's (just take out the spaces)
: ) = smiley - smiley
< biggrin > = smiley - biggrin
< sad > =
< cake > = smiley - cake
Hope all this helps! smiley - cheers

Hello there TriumphTone...

Post 4

Oberon2001 (Scout)

oops! doesn't work! must be smiley - sadface

Hello there TriumphTone...

Post 5

Is mise Duncan

Potentially of interest to you: A307144

Hello there TriumphTone...

Post 6

Wand'rin star

Just click on the number and it will take you to the article smiley - star

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