This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 41

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Serial Flirt - you change your name serially too!

My beach sounds the same as yours - ummm... you see that's why I can't stand having to be in London! Though in my 'happily married' days we had a house by the river - Hurlingham - though we heard no lapping of water there - unless it was in the cellar!

I am going to have another go at your hotmail address - maybe it will work at this hour!

smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 42

Pat Pending

Serial Flirt,

I feel desperately inadequate for not knowing "The Maggot": off to the back of the class yet again.


Hope you don't think I was pressing inappropriately for personal information? It wasn't my intention, I just get somewhat misty eyed and nostalgic for the West Country sometimes on wet London Fridays. I think most of us are somewhat coy about our identities on these boards, and rightly so, and I'll ask no more personal questions.

Good weekend both of you.


Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 43


Oh Pat, I feel awful now.....

Sorry about your team this afternoon, you must be feeling sick.

Did you manage to watch the rugby?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 44

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Pat Pen

I was not in the least worried about you ( though God Knows why!).

I just know that anyone can read any message on these boards and I have been warned by one who has had her fingers burned not to give out too much on a public forum. Which is why I have put an e-mail address for h2g2 on my space - Sarnia has e-mailed me and we can give more personal details there - but there are some Michael Hills about! - I wouldn't want him in my inbox! - But you are welcome!

Your very own Scarletness! smiley - fairy

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