This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 21


Hello Pat, you've been busy today. smiley - smiley

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 22

Pat Pending

I think appearances can be deceptive: not everything appearing under my name is from me, although Kev the Shed has been more active than normal.

How are things down in the CI?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 23


Pretty much as usual. Got up this morning to find front door wide open (been having trouble with the lock on it) but the milkman conveniently put the milk inside rather than outside.

Am flying over to London next Friday (for Sunderland game). Mr. Sarnia is going over tomorrow for England game (at Twickenham).

How's things in Brixton?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 24

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Sarnia - no messages in ANY file - I feel quite abandoned...

but will try and contain myself and await news of where the pirate hoards are striking tomorrow - is there a firefighters MB i wonder!


smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 25


CG/SW/Sarah. Try mailing me then. [email protected]. I've checked that I'd got your address correctly and I had.

Sarnia/Jackie Tinn/Maddy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 26

Pat Pending

Morning you two.

Missed QT again last night Sarnia: were you a meeja star again?

Am now jealous of Mr Sarnia for having tickets for tomorrow's rugby. Don't have Sky, so will have to watch it in pub. Are you not allowed to the rugby? Is it a lads only trip for Mr S?

Personal question time CG: where in Dorset has Chelsea Girl set up her enclave of West London?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 27


Morning Pat,

No I was not a meeja star again, although I did send a couple of texts - they chose not to use them. So, am sulking.

I think it does Mr. S good to go off to rugby games and get absolutely plastered afterwards. That way I can go off every couple of months to see CFC play smiley - smiley

Won't have the time to join in the raids today (although I'll do my best).

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 28

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Dr. Bushbradpatsarniakris,

Somewhere on the coast!

But I am in Chelsea right now....

smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 29

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Sarnia - there was you saying you were going to keep well away from the PC - but I was heartened to see that you were obviously consumed with guilt and really hankering after a spot of hoovering and dusting!

Will reply to your e-mail tomorrow - I started and then the whole thing froze so abandoned it. Must go and collect the not so little one now...

smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 30

Pat Pending


As you won't specify further as to your Hardy country location, I will continue to envisage you standing on the cob at Lyme Regis: either that, or fishing for crabs in Poole Harbour.

However, deep down I see you going back and forth on the Sandbanks ferry all day, the wind gently ruffling your hair.

Ooh: I've come over all John Fowles.

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 31


Hi CG,

Glad you got it. Oh yes, nothing better than polishing the curtains and hoovering the fridge. Don't you think? smiley - winkeye

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 32


Seeing as you've come over all John Fowles, Pat and seeing as I also live near the sea, where's your description of me? (Do not use 'Maggot' though).

I am in a serious sulk until you do.

smiley - bluebutterfly

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 33

Pat Pending

You're 5' 4", with black (but not quite jet black) hair cut in a bob. You sometimes wear glasses.

I principally see you walking your 2 Jack Russell terriers along a cliff top on a windy, but brilliantly sunny day, with a wistful half smile constantly playing across your face.

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 34

Pat Pending

However, you're not a ruralist at heart, and you can frequently be seen speeding around the island in a classic, british racing green, soft top Morgan.

In the winter evenings you like to wander down to the beach and listen to the waves crashing against the shore: you enjoy the wildness of being able to hear the sea whilst not seeing it fully, as it is lit only by the moon.

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 35


How evocative Pat, well done! You got the height right btw but not the hair colour (it's blonde). Am so glad you didn't use the word 'maggot'.

Actually, I love hearing the waves crash against the shore, and when it's a rough sea and high tide, I can hear the waves from my house.

Am not sulking now. smiley - smiley

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 36

Pat Pending


The picture in my mind's eye has been adjusted for hair colour.

Am I missing something? Why would I have even been tempted to use the "M" word.

You're very lucky to be able to hear the sea , even if only sometimes. I travel around a fair bit for work, and when I'm staying in Penzance I stay in a hotel on the promenade and always get a room at the front so I can hear the waves sloshing noisily up and over the pebble beach, and then receding again with a noise which seems to me to be the equivalent of the sea giving a contented sigh as the water is drawn back through the pebbles gently. Of course, in London, it's just planes trains and automobiles.

How's the front door?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 37


Maybe I'm going mad (quite likely) but didn't John Fowles write a book called "A Maggot"?

You described that sea sound so well. It is a lovely sound and that is exactly how I hear it (lots of pebbles on the beach near me).

The door got fixed today, thanks for asking. Quite a treat to be able to close it without wedging a kitchen chair in front of it.

Do you enjoy the travelling around?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 38

Pat Pending

If I remember correctly, it was "The Magus", as in singular of "Magi".

Your home sounds fairly idyllic, but what caused the departure from the mainland?

I don't mind the travelling at all. In many ways, if I've got a big case on it's quite good to be out of London and able to concentrate fully on the case without having to worry about people ringing me on other cases or about any of the other matters which crop up when you're trying to combine work and domestic life. Also, I get to see places in more detail than I otherwise would, and as I don't really get lonely by nature I don't at all mind having dinner on my own with a book for a few days.

In case you don't read this until after I've gone home for the weekend, have a good time: do the mice play while Mr S is away?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 39


I expect you've already gone for the weekend, but thought I'd reply anyway.

I enjoy travelling and do not mind my own company. Like you, I've eaten in a restaurant alone but with a book and it doesn't bother me in the least.

Well the mice will play this weekend but only very boring games! The mice will relish being able to READ IN BED without being told to switch off the light. The mice will relish not having to bother to cook and just slip the brats a few quid and tell them to get frozen chips from the corner shop. The mice will relish having control of the TV remote (very sad that one) and various other things.

We've been in Guernsey about 8 years and moved here from the USA (we were there for 5 years). We're here for Mr. Sarnia's job, not as tax exiles!

It's a safe and beautiful place to be, but I do get "rock fever" and need to get off every couple of months (if possible!)

Hope you have/had a good weekend.

(It is "A Maggot" btw - just checked on Amazon. Sorry! smiley - smiley )

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 40

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


Poor John Fowles! Will you pay for the requisite dry cleaning....

I do not frequent the Sandbanks Ferry - though I do collect a lot of the shells, upon which I paint to earn a crust, quite nearby!

I live remarkably close to the location from which Sargeant (you know I can't spell for toffee) Troy chose to swim into the blue yonder from....

...but not too keen to give too many details on h2g2 - which is why I have put a h2g2 only hotmail address on my space.

smiley - fairy

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