This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 1


Hi Pat,

Just looked at the usual thread and can't work out who is who - very funny though, heh heh.

Just wanted to say well done the Hammers y'day. We all cheered when Defoe equalised.

Managed to get onto boards a while ago, but they're slow.

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 2

Pat Pending

Hi Sarnia,

It's all terribly slow today isn't it? I referred to this in the main thread, but you might not have realised it was me: Brad Bushy and I have just been messing around pretending to be various characters. I'm sure we'll settle down soon (hint: to find our who's who, click on the fake name and it'll take you to their space which you should be able to recognise. It all started when I pretended to be Ian on Friday and pretended to have found and "busted" everyone).

Yesterday was quite exciting: the crowd seemed to be behind the team, and Defoe deserved his goal (even if he was offside: so was RVN in the build up to his). Maybe this will be the point we needed?

It pains me to say it, but are Chelsea turning into a consistent side?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 3

Pat Pending

PS: at the moment (thinks can change because if you change your nickname it changes on all the conversations you've ever posted), "ian twotston" is Bushy, "ModSquad" is Brad.

Do keep up at the back!

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 4


Thanks for advice Pat, but I had already worked it out (that's how I came to 'your space'). I'm quite clever sometimes you know....smiley - winkeye

Yes, Defoe was offside but as you say Ruud Van Travolta's goal was a bit dodgy, and Defoe's first effort was not given, so it worked out for the best in the end. Fergie his usual self just afterwards, when a sycophantic female reporter on Sky sports dared to suggest that RVN may have been offside....did he not like that suggestion!

There certainly is some consistency creeping into CFC, so much so that I actually think we will win at Bolton next week. We are at home to Sunderland the week after that (to which I'm going) and had better bloody win as the last two games I've been to, we've lost.

Is the name you're using at the moment (Pat Pen in full) your real name btw?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 5

Pat Pending

No, not my real name.

Sorry about the "advice": didn't mean to patronise, but on re-reading, realise that I had.

What did SAF have to say (I don't have Sky and couldn't have seen it anyway)?

PS: When you're next at the Bridge, have you ever tried an Italian Restaurant on the Broadway called "Napule" (opposite the Barclays Bank, so towards Parsons Green from Fulham Broadway tube, but only 100 yards or so)? Fantastic place.

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 6

Researcher 209440

Pat Pen! Sorry to butt in - I have a bit of a problem - and Akira suggested that one of you trusty pirates might be able to assist a poor locked out of h2g2 Scarlet Chelsea Girl...

The sad truth is the glory that was once Scarlet Woman is now merely Researcher 209440 - BUMMER!

How do I get back? I have tried the support team who confirmed that I am indeed ChelseaGirl - (I knew that!)but it seems that my e-mail address is invalid - even thought I use it all the time!

What is a girl to do? Can any of you help?

Thanks smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 7

Pat Pending

Hi CG,

You really need Bushy for this, him being a techy and all (I'll send him here tomorrow if it isn't sorted by then), but all I can suggest is if you go to the "My Space" of your new numeric identity and click "Preferences" you should (and I emphasise "should") be able to change your "Researcher etc " name to CG or SW. I had the same problem last week, and sorted it that way, but I don't know whether it's a universal panacea.

If you've already tried this, then sorry I can't be of more help: I'll get Bushy to come here tomorrow (he's not currently operating under the Bushy name, but I'm sure you'll recognise him when he arrives).

Good luck.

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 8

Researcher 209440

Thanks PP - I have tried the preferences thing - the stumbling block seems to be that my e-mail address is deemed invalid - bloody nonsense!

I await the Bushyness and his expertise!

smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 9

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I just couldn't wait could I!

I set up new e-mail and bob's your uncle - h2g2 let me in again!
I shall just have to leave messages on all my conversations.

However if Bushy does know how I could get back to SW (the prototype) I would quite like to be able to.

smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 10



You didn't patronise at all. You were being helpful and believe me I quite often need help in anything PC wise!

No, I haven't tried that restaurant but shall look out for it. Thanks for suggesting it. Quite often a group of us go to a tapas bar (after a few drinkies) just by Fulham Broadway Station.

SAF said something like "West Ham were helped by the linesman" the reporter then mentioned RVN's goal and the fact that that also could be construed as offside. He did not like that.....

Going to write the name of the restaurant down before I forget. smiley - smiley

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 11


Hi CG,

Glad to see you back new and improved! I shall be invading your turf temporarily on Saturday week. (Alright, alright I know it's Fulham really.......)

smiley - cheers

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 12

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


I have to be honest - though a Chelsea Girl by upbringing, I am now more of a Dorset lass! I spend as little time in the metropolis as my parental duties allow!

I used to live in Fulham a few years ago - near Putney Bridge.

smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 13


Hi CG,

I'm the opposite - I spend as much time in the metropolis as my parental duties allow smiley - winkeye (Which isn't very often, once every two to three months when I pop over for a game at SB).

I know Putney Bridge very well; I grew up in Wandsworth Common.

How many sproglets have you? I have three.

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 14

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

HI Sarnia,

I have two daughters - hardly sproggy anymore! - 18 and 15 - and I'm 42 and my partner is 36 - just thought I'd get the age thing out of the way!

What/where is SB? My idea of sport is ... as little as possible! Not sure why - used to play a lot of tennis (the scruffy sort - not all dolled up in whites!) and of course I swim a fair bit - living atop a cliff an' all!

smiley - fairy

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 15


Hi CG,

SB is........Stamford Bridge!

I see you have an email addy (in your space). I'll email you tomorrow (I also have an email addy for 5 Live boarders, set up a few months ago). It was great fun when about four of us (Kris included) tried to get our addies to each other on the 5 Live Boards without the Mods pulling anything. But, we made it!

My bratlings bit younger than yours. 16, 14 (sons) and 11 (daughter).

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 16

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


How thick can I BE! Of course it's Stamford Bridge! My big bro is the all time Chelsea fan - when I was a wee chelsea girl - he made be make a get well card for Peter Bonetti - and I had to go to the hospital with him to deliver it!

He's still (@nearly 50) obsessed! A few years ago I spent two weeks on a boat in the South China Sea with Ken Bates and his (very nice)girlfriend - interesting chap.....

Yes - please do christen my Hordor e-mail! - Now that was a truely fine MC-H thread - you 5 Livers would have been in your element. We all took on Lord of the Ring-ish personnas and had a ball! It was then that Sandy Winder donnated the Scarlet Woman tag to me and I travelled to h2g2 with it.

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 17


Hi CG,

Consider it christened!

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 18

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


It doesn't seem to have taken - perhaps christening is too good for a heathen such as I!


Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 19


How odd CG, it hasn't been returned. It was sent from a hotmail address too. Hmmm. Will try again later. Have you looked in your Junk File?

Sarnia calling Pat!

Post 20

Pat Pending

Seeing as this is my space n'all, anyone mind if I say hello?


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