A Conversation for Games You Can Play in the Office

Reception Cricket

Post 1

And Introducing... A Leg

If you spend your days at work on some sort of reception desk, here's how to make sport of the various callers who drop in on you throughout the day.

Two of you play in teams, one side 'batting' the other fielding. The batting side chooses a brightish colour (eg red) and scores as follows:

Caller with red shirt: One Run

" " " jacket: Four Runs

" " " trousers: Six runs

(Note how they get increasingly unlikely)

The fileding side must choose one specific type of clothing, like yellow ties, and gets a wicket every time somebody calls at the desk wearing that article.

Normal cricket rules apply: Ten wickets, and the other team gets to bat. However, the first batting side must declare at lunchtime if they're not yet all out. Then the other side bats with the same colour rules for both players.

At the end of the day, the player with the most runs is the winner, wickets being a tie-breaker. The main drawback to his game being that it ends prematurely if the second batting side gets all out, but then that's cricket for you.

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