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Cuddling kris ...

Post 81

kri stickle mass

i guess you are gone so i will say goodnight p.k. hopefully see you again soon. i bin up since 5, need some rest now.

sweet dreams p.k.

smiley - cuddlesmiley - peacedovesmiley - zen

one last hug to your hounds smiley - rose

Cuddling kris ...

Post 82

Number Six

Sorry about the "WE" !!! There was an article on singles ads in a paper last week, and I creased myself laughing at that, so I thought I'd try it out smiley - biggrin

I don't do anything to make money at the minute Kris smiley - sadface as am "working through" some depression type things at present. When sorted, I'll retrain, possibly in puters, although my current difficulties with THIS beast are putting me off slightly ! Not thinking too far ahead at present. Amnesty doesn't pay, but savings from law thing etc still holding up for now. Don't worry, I'm reasonably sane smiley - toffeeapplesmiley - towelsmiley - bleepsmiley - biggrin

Biffs are nice on occasion, but make me very smiley - sleepy.

smiley - cheers

Cuddling kris ...

Post 83

Number Six

Sorry - had to answer natures call smiley - blush Time for bed for me too though. Nite Michylinio - see yas tomorrow morrow.

smiley - cuddlesmiley - loveblushsmiley - rose

Cuddling each other ...

Post 84

kri stickle mass

p.k. i would never have guessed that. i hope that whenever you need a friend or cheering up you give me a shout smiley - cuddle.

you are such a lovely person to talk with (and you have another admirer on the fivelive board besides sarnia and myself) so you must be pretty special to have been so singled out by us. i have thought you were completely lovely from when i first started chatting with you. all the foregoing is true, pack it away and keep reminding yourself (i suspect you might not be seeing yourself as clearly as we do) smiley - tongueout

where do you live and what do you want to do now? i want to see if i can help. there are ways to create an exponential recovery here. you can email me at [email protected] and let me see if i can help you speed all this up so you can feel 'only great' smiley - zen and full of smiley - wow

see you later, (btw - if you ever need a dog sitter i want to be it smiley - dog)

luv michylinio smiley - love

Cuddling each other ...

Post 85

Number Six

Hi Michylinho smiley - loveblush

Thanks for your post. Crumbs, what can I say smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers You're a very nice person smiley - angel.

I feel stupid for blurting that out last night, but if you ask a direct question, you get a direct answer smiley - winkeye Don't worry about me, I am a tough cookie !! smiley - laugh

I will drop you an email a little later later.

Cuddling each other ...

Post 86

kri stickle mass

hi p.k. smiley - loveblush

glad to be talking with you again. please dont feel stupid. feeling depressed is a normal part of our emotional dynamics. in order to be creative we have to have the capacity to tear down and test the strength of our ideas and intentions. mania, depression, destructiveness and creativity are all part of what we need to do in order to grow and learn and develop. we pop in and out of these states all day long for one reason or another.

the problem arises when we get stuck. exactly the same as when our physical mechanics get stuck. psycho/emotional discomfort is not recognised as easily as physical pain. it is as easy to shift your mental mechanics and get them functioning and in balance as it is to shift the physical form etc blah blah

i am a tough cookie too, soft and tendered inside. i want to keep growing and i know that means i get hurt sometimes, on all levels. people who take risks get hurt, that is ok by me. smiley - smiley

i spect you think similar. smiley - zen

smiley - love micky

Cuddling each other ...

Post 87


Who is PS's secret admirer? Is it ian johnston or Tim Richens?

Had a reasonable weekend (I think?) but let myself down on Sunday by writing an equation that gives an indication on whether you should leave your g/f or not?? Mrs Whack'd was not overly impressed I can tell you ... It was only silly little probability thingymajig... Bah! wimmin eh??? Made up for my misdemeanor by cooking a truly marvellous Sunday Lunch!!

How are we all this fine Monday morning I wonder?

Cuddling each other ...

Post 88


Did I say PS's? Meant PK's ... My appalling spelling continues and worsens to two letter words (mnemonics even!) ... Ne'er mind!

Cuddling each other ...

Post 89

Number Six

Bussy - I AM Tim Richens smiley - biggrin

Cuddling each other ...

Post 90


what happened to you pk?

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