This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass

Cuddling kris ...

Post 41


No, you're not talking too much. 6 foot eh? That is tall. I'm only 5' 4". Sounds like she knows how to have a good time though, good for her.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 42


Lovely weather. The sun always shines here, even at night-time.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 43

kri stickle mass

sorry couldnt join you there. i never went behind the bike sheds.

it is easy to shop at night cos the supermarket is empty smiley - tongueout

i dont flirt anyway. i am just affectionate.

biffs beat booze anyday. smiley - silly

Cuddling kris ...

Post 44


Oh Sarnia you're tiny! Shall I kneel down?

Yeah she's cool! We've been together for 3 years nearly but I think a good social life away from the home or relationship is an absolute necessity.

Where is PK? Wonder if Micheline has returned with her purchases yet?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 45


biffs? Have you been fighting?

Come over here behind the bike sheds... I'm the one kneeling down and Sarnia is the good-looking one with no underwear!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 46


Micheline is back with her purchases. I agree about a social life outside of home and relationships.

You can kneel down if you like. smiley - smiley

Cuddling kris ...

Post 47

Number Six

smiley - zoom Phew. Sorry about that chaps. Had just posted then Chinese din-din delivery smiley - tongueout Bushy and Sarnia right ? Hard to tell in the dark smiley - huh Sarnia is a better snog than you Bushy, sorry smiley - blush

Who thinks Melinda Messenger is still a babe ?

smiley - redwinesmiley - flansmiley - cheers

Cuddling kris ...

Post 48


But I'm tatting away furiously to remedy that situation.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 49


Yuk PK! Not me! (Thanks for the snog btw)

Cuddling kris ...

Post 50


Hello PK! Sarnia has had more practice than me... Give me chance!

I never thought Melinda was a babe in the first place so my answer is no. My perfect celeb female has just got to be Clare Grogan.

I'll get me coat ..!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 51

Number Six

Some people are put off by girls with big slobbery tongues, but not me Sarnia smiley - loveblush

Is Kris back from the shops yet ? Could she get me a pack of fags and a life ?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 52


Did you say wife or life then PK?

Micheline is back yes!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 53

Number Six

Clare Grogan - velly nice, I agree smiley - angel but not dirty enough. In the words of Public Enemy, that revered african-american beat combo - can I get a witness ? smiley - redwine I see you've all been very busy on the boards, you naughty monkeys smiley - pirate Sorry I missed that one today smiley - sadface

Cuddling kris ...

Post 54


P K, I do not have a big, slobbery tongue. You should have realised by now. Marlboro any good? I'll pass some over.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 55

Number Six

Wife Bushy ?? O no sir. Not me. Life !!! Your wife is here though, would you like to speak with her ? She wants me to tell you that she is running off to join the circus, and you can stuff your pringles where the sun don't shine. Don't worry smiley - sadface I shall talk her around smiley - stiffdrink

Cuddling kris ...

Post 56


"Can I get a witness?" That's Reverend Black Grape isn't it?

Dirty? I like my women clean and well scrubbed thankyou very much PK! Tell me a bit about yourself then PK before I pass out! I tend to agree with most of your posts but you seem a bit more academic and thoughtful than some of us more "rowdy elements"!!

The MC-H'ers make those raids! Every one of them is so funny! I am tittering and giggling all day ready their stuff! Shhh... Don't tell 'em, they'll get big headed!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 57

kri stickle mass

have you finished doing all the sticky stuff?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 58


I told you not to eat that toffee Sarnia!

What's up Micheline? Is the lewdness not to your taste?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 59


I agree with you Bushy about those MC-B's. They are extremely witty and I am just about to pass out too.........

Cuddling kris ...

Post 60


Oh I'm not too worried PK she'll come back when she's ready..

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