This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass

Cuddling kris ...

Post 21

Number Six

Hello hello ?? Whats all this shouting ?? We'll have no trouble here !!!!

Mind if I pull up a smiley - redwine ?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 22


"Bike Sheds"? Is that another forum I am not aware of? Can Micheline join us when she returns?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 23


P K!

Great to see you! Do you fancy a snog as well?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 24


Not at all... Number Six? Forgive my ignorance but who are you?

Do you fancy a snog as well with Sarnia and me? We're flirting wildly with each!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 25


Of course she may join you Bushy. Odd going out for bog rolls at this time of night isn't it?

That was luvverly!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 26


Right, that's snogging over with. On to the next thing one does behind the bike shed. Got a light anyone?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 27


Hmmm... Yummy, I can tell you're a posh bird with a top dentist Sarnia!

"She's got a tongue like an electric eel and she likes the taste of man's tongue everyone!" Name the charcater and programme!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 28


Hang on Sarnia, I'm just letting ian johnston's tyres down...

Sorry PK!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 29


I should know this, but don't. I give up.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 30


I can hear PK's Search Engine whirring away... Where is he anyway?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 31


Who did PK snog? You or me? He's gone now........

Cuddling kris ...

Post 32


He'll be back. Right, do you want to put a hand on my bum?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 33


Ummm... A gentleman always closes his eyes Sarnia! We can sort this out though, pucker up I need another go to check I haven't snogged PK by mistake!

It was captain Flashheart in BlackAdder by the way! Hussar!!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 34


//He'll be back. Right, do you want to put a hand on my bum?//

I thought he was away this weekend?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 35


Am puckered up.

I love BlackAdder, actually cried at the final prog (when they leap out of their trenches to certain death). Enough of that. Did you notice I have false teeth?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 36


He is! (Not PK though). Where is Mrs. Whack'd - out enjoying herself I trust! Will never drink vodka and Red Bull again....

Cuddling kris ...

Post 37


Yes, Blackadder was my favourite too! I like the Elizabethan series best!

No not at all!! Seemed real enough to me.

Hmmm.. Nice firm bum Sarnia.. Hey!! Are you wearing a thong?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 38


I loved the Elizabethan series best too. Elizabeth - "first I'm going to have a little drinkie, then I'm going to behead the whole bally lot of you".

No, no thongs. They get in the way - don't you think?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 39


Yep she's out pretending to be a slapper somewhere! Does her good and she always comes home to me afterwards, either that or I go and meet her and all the admirers soon disappear because I am so big and ugly!! She's 6 foot herself so I think I'll let her fight her way out alone tonight and I am pretty steaming as well!!

Am I talking too much?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 40


Ooh Sarnia! No thong means... smiley - blush

Lovely weather?

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