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Cuddling kris ...

Post 1


Hey there kris!

You sound like you need a cuddle?

Sorry but I need to live my life outside of me sometimes and it drives me (not on MB's today!) to achieve. I only hope that most of the time I achieve something worthwhile for everybody around me .. No I am not perfect and neither is anybody but I do try!

Your point regarding your friend was spot on! Afraid I am pretty floored as she is, guess where I've been this afternoon?

So? What would you like to play? Assuming you still do of course?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 2

kri stickle mass

bushy, i think you are great !!

i am glad you understand. i will always be here to play with you and thanks for turning up when i gave a yelp smiley - wah

you are a very large character. i have no doubt you will achieve your aims. chay blythe defined success as being able to look in the mirror last thing at night and like who you see. anything you tell yourself about who you are or who someone else is is a lie, whether praising or despising. therefore, chuck it all out and live in the knowledge that you are perfect right where you stand, seeing as there is no such thing as perfect possible in this changing universe except a perfectly-being-perfected person. that is the truth about your physical being. i know it is true within other spheres of our being. so you dont need to think about how near perfect you are. there is no such thing. smiley - boing

right, play, i dunno, i hadnt thought that far ahead. i just didnt want to feel sad about the madness any more. have you got any good games, or just go ahead and take the piss like usual and i will come back at you with worse smiley - tongueout

Cuddling kris ...

Post 3


Taking the p***? Me? Surely not!

Now that post sounds much better to me... You just yelp any time dear and expect as much from me too smiley - smiley

John Sergeant is doing awfully well (oxymoron???) on HIGNFY! Do you watch it? I think Sarnia is watching at this very moment sipping her white wine and giggling away no doubt! Bet she is an Ian Hislop fan don't you?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 4


Heh heh heh Bushy! I've decided to take up your invitation if you both don't mind! Actually, I don't think HIGNFY tonight is as funny as when A. Robinson hosted it.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 5

kri stickle mass

i stopped watching tv in april apart from footie. i actually tried to watch big brother last night cos you were going on about it yesterday but it was so godawful dire and drear and NO>>>NO.. STOP


right so you see, i did try. smiley - groan

yup sarnia is sitting there with her white wine dreaming of the fun and frolics she is going to get up to w/o hubs whilst with her chelsea mates. i darent say much cos sarnia thinks she doesnt flirt smiley - biggrin

leeds playing spurs (on sunday i think) i really hope it isnt more turmoil. where will you be bushy? (is it really a tone i am talking with here?)

smiley - rose

Cuddling kris ...

Post 6


Kris, I never flirt! smiley - smiley

Won't be able to get up to much on my CFC w/end as shall be taking my young daughter with me (for her first game!). She has a real pash for Melchiot.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 7


Hello there Sarnia and Micheline!

Yes, Mrs Robinson much better and no, no, no don't watch BB yet Micheline! Wait 'til they start getting stir crazy after this weekend. I only watch Celeb BB because normally the people are so hateful and it's quite gratifying for them to admit their "realness". I'm sure it makes thme better people for a few brief moments?

Ummm... Leeds will lose 2-1 just like last year and I sold my ticket because I am getting sick of the twerps that support Leeds, always booing the team and manager, it's so not being a "supporter" as far as I can see!

Who do you follow or do you just like football?

Chelsea mates? Pray do tell Sarnia!!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 8


Give us back Jimmy Hasselbaink please Sarnia!

I remember I wrote to Jesus Gil Something-Or-Other who was president of Athletico Madrid when Jimmy went there! I wished him good luck and asked if he would come back when they got relegated (tongue in cheek!) The dude wrote back and and said Jimmy was very pleased to get my message. They duly got relegated but Jimmy went to Chelsea instead the forgetful little scamp!!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 9

kri stickle mass

sarnia, the truth is out and on the boards, changing your name to helen and inviting everyone (including you know who) smiley - wow to watch you do some mowing etc. we wont tell. smiley - tongueout

bushy your memory is shite. we had a long convo about leeds about a week ago. i am passionately besotted with alan smith.

i have to nip out to get some bog roll. i will check if any one is still here when i get back. otherwise, thanks for the company and see you next time.

smiley - love kris

Cuddling kris ...

Post 10


Oh blimey Bushy! Well, I went onto the CFC website about three years ago(an excellent site) and onto the chit chat bit. Got chatting over a few months with odds and bods on there, and went over for a game (ticket acquired for me by female chatter) and met them all in a pub before the game. We are all such a cross-section of society and all gel. I go over about every two months or so (manage to get tickets from same female ST holder) and meet up with this motley crew in pub before and after games and sometimes go on for dinner afterwards.

We are: a doctor,a social worker, two mumsy wumsies, a rastafarian train driver with I 8 Spurs on the back of his shirt, an IT chap who lives with his blind mother, a security worker at Gatwick, a New Zealand couple, and so on.

I walk into that pub on my own, have no worries about it, and really enjoy the chat and laughs.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 11


LOL Kris, isn't that thread odd? Anthony is lovely, and I won't hear a word against him! smiley - winkeye

Cuddling kris ...

Post 12


I remember JFH scoring twice in a game against CFC when he played for Leeds. Hrrmmpph! We will at Bolton, we will win at Bolton, we will win at Bolton, we wi..

Cuddling kris ...

Post 13

kri stickle mass

sarnia, i have never had anything against him either, he actually talks to me now. i offended him once or twice without meaning to so he blanked me for a very long time. i fully support you in all your flirts. flirting is healthy and fun. there are lots of nice men to flirt with in here and on the boards, saves going down the pub and doing it smiley - biggrin

Cuddling kris ...

Post 14


I know we had that Alan Smith convo but that doesn't necessarily mean you support Leeds? I take it that you do ... Anyway, that said yes, my memory is appalling unless it's something to do with Physics ...

Sarnia, I was invited by a friend to meet some people from the Leeds website. Met up with a great crowd from London! Normally catch up with them if go to matches "dahn sahf" or abroad, they all call me "Norvern Munkee" ...

We have some great songs for Chelsea! Want to hear some? Ummm... Whoa there football nitwit! Sorry, I had better go and roll another fat one and chill out I suppose before I start chanting ... tee hee!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 15


I never actually realise I'm flirting though Kris. I look at posts in an oblique way sometimes and can't resist responding. It's all good fun though smiley - smiley

Cuddling kris ...

Post 16


Bushy, one of the most regular posters on the CFC site is ....a Leeds fan! He meets up with us in the pub if Leeds are playing in London (we get to the pub quite early).

Go on, give us a tune.

Cuddling kris ...

Post 17


Can it really be flirting an environment such as this? There is so much more that says "flirting" when you meet someone face to face ... Simply chit chatting in a slightly solacious (spelling?) manner is just not real! Enlighten me as experienced "chatters" ...

Micheline, you are pretty flirtatious yourself!

Cuddling kris ...

Post 18


I agree Bushy, it isn't flirting really. It's just finding something in a post you can respond to either in a flippant manner (my way normally) or seriously.

Hello darling, are you tall, dark and handsome?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 19


I'm very tall, dark and obviously too modest to say handsome!

Fancy a snog?

Cuddling kris ...

Post 20


Yes. See you round the back of the bike sheds ...pronto.

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