This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Smug - a stupid word

Post 21

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

What you mean to say is 'keep taking the tablets and it will all go away' smiley - rofl

smiley - winkeye

Smug - a stupid word

Post 22

fords - number 1 all over heaven

If they help! smiley - silly

Seriously though, that's really interesting. Have you done some research on this at all?

Smug - a stupid word

Post 23


Nothing wrong with sensing things. It's a basic human feeling.

Strange for a smiley - scientist who doesn't believe in God, that he does beleive in more than we can see. Although I can justify both to myself quite easily.

Smug - a stupid word

Post 24

Not him

fun. i know people (and experiences) like that

and smileys? i can't be bothered learning most of them. never used them. smiley - evilgrin ... mostly

Smug - a stupid word

Post 25

Mister Matty

I don't think rooms have 'vibes'. I think that sort of thing can be caused by a bad mixture of brain-chemicals that set-off either paranoia or over-contentment. That leaves people thinking that 'something' in a room they usually regard as normal is creating their sense of unease/peace.

Mort, I was going to mention, you should try adjusting your diet. It actually does your mental welbeing a lot of good if you start to eat a lot of certain foods. Oats are brilliant, as are pulses (such as lentils) as is anything with iron or vitamin C in it.

Smug - a stupid word

Post 26

Not him

iron comes in smiley - choc! so.........

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