This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

2nd Entry Picked

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hurrah smiley - bubbly

I have just had my 2nd effort picked for the Edited Guide smiley - biggrin


2nd Entry Picked

Post 2


Well deserved, too smiley - biggrin

The second of many many entries to come, I hope?

smiley - blacksheep

2nd Entry Picked

Post 3

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - cheers

You betcha! Guess what topic most of them will be smiley - winkeye - teeth and pets smiley - laugh Well, it's what I know best smiley - biggrin

Might as well use my 16 years of experience on something!!

2nd Entry Picked

Post 4


Congrats smiley - bubbly

Nice to read some good news on hootoo now and again

2nd Entry Picked

Post 5

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Well done Mort smiley - bubbly

2nd Entry Picked

Post 6

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Thank you!!

I am very happy!

I have another one in PR at the moment - A2211779 How to give your Dog or Cat Medication, but I am not as happy with that one as the teeth entry. (Fussy, fussy!)

2nd Entry Picked

Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I have been a qualified vet nurse for 14 years and 2 months! Just had to pay out £60 to retain my 'Listed' status so I can perform intravenous stuff and anaesthetics. That's a weeks disability benefit for me. Hopefully get back to work for the summer, as that will have been 2 years I have been off sick.

Trouble is - I DON'T WANT TOO!! - especially as it will drastically reduce my hootoo time by 50 hours a week that I worked before (I always ended up staying past the end of my shift to help out!)

And the cats would miss me! Having said I will go back to work, it still takes me a week to get the strength to go to the bank around the corner to pay in my 'support' cheques from my parents every month or so. (34 and a half years old and still getting pocket money!)

Well thinking about it is a start - in the meantime - lots of writing to be done smiley - winkeye

2nd Entry Picked

Post 8


Well done Mort!

Have you thought about putting your articles on your web page?

They are well presented, factual, with a sprinkling of humour too (animals do that to you, don't they?).

I don't know your circumstances, but have you thought about cat sitting? There are people out there who would feel far more comfortable leaving their pets with a trained vetinary nurse.

Funny that you chose medication for your current article, I'm having to do that to my 2 right now. Fortunately both think they are getting treats, so it's easy.

2nd Entry Picked

Post 9


smiley - discosmiley - bubblysmiley - discosmiley - bubblysmiley - discosmiley - bubbly


Well done, Mort, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person!!!!

(Yoda has just returned from murdering things & wants to say:

smiley - catsmiley - nurse??? smiley - yuk, No smiley - ta for me; but thanks for trying to prevent mummy from going too neurotic when i was sick!).)

I look forward to reading the medicine one.

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

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