This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother


Sorry to disturb you folks smiley - erm This is lil old me and I am VV's Mum smiley - smiley

VV has asked me to enter her PS to leave a message for all her friends because she has been unable to do so herself, due to w**k commitments!

For the week commencing 7th June... VV will be off to sunny Devon with G and will be enjoying herself while the rest of you plebs are slogging your guts out trying to earn a decent crust!

Theeeennn.... the week commencing 14th June until the end of the month, VV will again be elevated into the realms of HQ and will not have time to be seen associating with the gentler elements of hootoo!smiley - rofl

*ooops Icky's just choked on his morning coffee and daSilva's computer has blown another fuse!smiley - yikes*

*B.... you can come out and play now smiley - winkeye*


lil xxx

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

waves to lil me

she is missed ....

smiley - gift

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 3

McKay The Disorganised

smiley - yikes I thought she was sweating over a hot keyboard - working on her novel. (Working title - How my mother sold me to a Hells Angel Chapter)

smiley - cider

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I should have thought of that 10 years ago!

Is it too late now... do you think smiley - huh

smiley - evilgrin

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 5

Wrinkled Rocker

smiley - erm Not if she's riding a li'l Virago..!
Now, if she were riding a H-D Sportster....!!!smiley - winkeye

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

She could always nick a badge for her leathers smiley - eureka

smiley - cheers

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 7


Does this mean I'll have to try and remember for a whole month abut the skit they had on Pulling Power the other night about trikes and someone had built one out of a Virago that was totally chrome/gold plated? smiley - yikes

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - bigeyes

smiley - erm


smiley - ok

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 9


I bet VV's inbox is already full...smiley - bigeyes

...of e-mails you filthy lot! smiley - blush

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 10


Lil, don't encourage him!! smiley - yikes

smiley - erm B that is.....

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 11

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - yikes

Don't encourage him?

Why not?... I have seen another side of B since I first come online!smiley - winkeye

I like his sense of humour!!

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Talking of sense of humour... Have any of you seen Azahar's photo album of H2G2 Researchers... there is an interestingly fuzzy, even slightly blurry on of a dear friend of ours.... Isn't that so, Icky darling?

smiley - biggrin

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 12


I think you will find that photo album is word of mouth invite only so don;t go plastering the addy across everywhere! So are you on it yet?

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 13


oops, that sounds rude and commanding, wasn't meant to be! Stick a few smiley - smiley around it!

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 14


"I have seen another side of B since I first come online!"

Ohh aye, what's he been getting up to then? smiley - winkeye

smiley - laugh Yes, his sense of humour is smiley - erm well, smiley - erm 'funny'. Bless him. smiley - loveblush

Scattering smiley - smiley Icky!! Are you feeling ok?

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 15


ishly so.

Folks came round last night on their way to telford and got me dad to have a look at what I have done / am planning to do with the house and he seems to think i am on the right lines. He also said 'thats a lot of work you have there'. Yeah, thanks dad!

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 16


smiley - erm Very encouraging of him. I hope you handed him a paint brush and some paint along with a mug of smiley - tea for the duration of his visit. smiley - laugh

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 17


well he did offer to come help do the fencing, but I thought, he's getting on a bit you know, just had his 60th, didn;t want to show him like so I declined saying friends were coming round smiley - winkeye Patronising? Me?

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 18


lil? Hope that post didn't offend and sound too rude! Don't run away! Well, alright maybe that is wise, I knew one day I would loose you to another smiley - wah

Going soon mesen so speak soon I hope!

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 19


unfortunate use of the word 'loose' there. Replace it with 'lose' for a less insulting sentence!

Vicki Virago's Absence

Post 20

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Was Icky actually asking me to forget the thread numbers?

lil ol'me forgetting anything smiley - doh

Must go back and reread that again.... answer will be given tomorrow smiley - winkeye

Odo...B is a lovely young man... I think smiley - huh

He always seems so to me anyway! smiley - rofl

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