This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Seeing the warning signs

Post 41

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

see lil me make Harry Potter dance smiley - silly

Seeing the warning signs

Post 42

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - diva

Seeing the warning signs

Post 43

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

thank you making me smiley - laugh darling friend!

Seeing the warning signs

Post 44

Researcher U1025853

Vicky, now is the time to realise life may have changed a little, but you already have a good idea of how to deal with it.

I can only talk from my own experience and it may not fit with you, but you are not alone in feeling like this.

I have had depression from 12, it was bad until my 30s when I started to understand it and realise how to live with it, rather than in fear with it. My doctors refused to help me to the extent of saying they had refered me to various specialists ie psychiatric and then not doing it. So I was on my own.

You have already had help from your doctor and you know what the problem is, so you have a head start. If I can survive this, so can you, I really really believe that.

You can wake up and start to see the signs and feel its begining again and then suddenly they are gone again. Its good to be aware of the signs as then you can put your survival plan into action, but always remember the signs exagerrate and don't always mean it will happen.

Even if you spiral down again, you have survived that, you can survive it again. Don't be afraid when you see signs, be gentle with yourself, give yourself time. Do some of your favourite things and get outdoors in nature. Settle down with a book guaranteed to make you laugh - I choose Terry Pratchett, get some videos of fav comedians. I don't mean to belittle depression, but by taking time out early and doing stuff like this, you can get rid of it quicker. I think full-blown depression sometimes happens when we don't realise what is happening and try to keep going as usual.

Even when depressed you can still enjoy life, that may sound strange but you keep going and find a smile when you weren't expecting one. I am finally thinking how I go for weeks forgetting that I am meant to be depressed, I don't think I am anymore.

I can talk about this stuff all day, thats why I am writing a book about it and agorophobia. So if you need to talk anymore thats cool by me.

On a personal note, depression can be like a comfy black armchair that we can sink into and escape from the world from, it can be very tempting. I had to make a decision not to be tempted anymore, to face things and its helped, it wasn't an instant cure and I had to keep telling myself, but it worked for me. I realise many people may feel its very different and decisions don't come into it, which is fine, we all experience everything differently.

So be determined, be patient, don't panic and be kind to yourself.smiley - hug

Seeing the warning signs

Post 45

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

VV' Mum here, just dropping in to let you all know that she is fine.

VV and G are away for a week, no doubt she will bore you with the details after she has bored me first! smiley - tongueout

Thank you all for your care and support, I just didn't want any of you worrying about her absence smiley - smiley

lil xx

Seeing the warning signs

Post 46

Researcher U1025853

Well when she gets back I will be in Chester till Tuesday!

Seeing the warning signs

Post 47

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sorry hun.. she won't be back before the weekend.. smiley - hug

Seeing the warning signs

Post 48

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

please come back Kaz. I need you

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