This is the Message Centre for Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats)
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Started conversation Sep 27, 2002
you are not alone. i just joined last week, and have spent days reading conversations. but i have my towel.
calico kitty
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Sep 27, 2002
I'm glad I'm not alone. What topics have you looked up so far? Anything interesting?
Calico Kitty
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Sep 27, 2002
books, comics, checking who's online. found this site thru looking up douglas adams. one of the gurus gave me a couple tips, this place is kinda intense, but friendly. duh! what else would the hitchhiker's guide be?
calico kitty
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Sep 27, 2002
Intense huh? I have no idea what your talking about...
To tell you the truth, I'm just too stupid to notice.
*thinks to herself* Maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud.
I'll just leave now and maybe you won't notice.
*nonchalantly staggers away*
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Sep 28, 2002
calico, 'tis i who am too stupid.
but i HAVE learnt that!
basically i read sports pages, sites like and weblogs off but i'll have to keep checking this bookmarked site, it's starting to feel like fun.
calico kitty
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Sep 28, 2002
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way here. *maybe I shouldn't have said that either*
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Sep 28, 2002
yeah, ashtabula. a town of about 10,000 halfway between cleveland OH and erie PA, north of youngstown OH. actually, i'm outside of the 'town' and can look out the back windows at the lake.
i have to feel you'll make some friends on this site, while i'll mostly just sit back and read. go get 'em, calico!
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 10, 2002
i've been reading, particpating in some chats, haven't seen your paw prints, just wondering. my life is fairly calm. how you?
calico kitty
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Oct 10, 2002
I've been reading and thinking of writing something for h2g2 fiction. Not really sure if I'm up to it
The reason that you haven't seen my pawprints anywhere is because I'm officially an unofficial lurker. I have actually been doing that since I got here and was so glad that they actually have a club for that sort of thing.
My life has been fairly calm as well. This weekend I'm planning on going and getting my lip pierced (my lil brother is taking me to someone who does that sorta thing), but other than that all is quiet on the home front.
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 10, 2002
where's officially/unofficially lurking? i believe i may qualify.
calico kitty
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Oct 10, 2002
Let me see if I can post a link on my page real quick ok? I'll tell you when I'm done.
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
calico kitty
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Oct 10, 2002
Ok. I'm done. You can click on my name it'll take you to my space then just follow the link on the bottom. You can sign up on the talk about this entry thread on the bottom of the page. Start a new thread that way Rupert The Observer will see it.
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 10, 2002
okay, thanks, i'll check it out...but right now, the Outside World is asking for my attention, Things To Do and such. i may also need more pan-galactic gargle blasters. later...
calico kitty
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Oct 10, 2002
One day maybe you'll tell me what a pan-galactic gargle blaster is.
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 11, 2002
read the books of hitchhiker's guide to the universe by douglas adams, who helped create this marvelous website. i cite, from chaper 16 of 'the restaurant at the end of the universe,' "Ford had another Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, the drink which has been described as the alcoholic equivalent of a mugging---expensive and bad for the head. Whatever had happened, Ford decided, he really didn't care too much."
calico kitty
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Oct 11, 2002
I know admitting I've never read anything by Douglas Adams is tantamount to sacrilege around here, but I plan on putting that to rights fairly soon.
Thanks for the info,
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 11, 2002
i doubt you're alone here in not reading adams. after years of dog-eared paperback copies, i found a hardcover The More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide, published by Wings Books and distributed by Random House. it listed at $51.80, i got it half-price ay one o'them big chain bookstores (barnes & noble)and i'm sure that this site and its' denizens can direct you further.
i'm trying to assemble the info on a possible guide entry for tom robbins ('even cowgirls get the blues' was made into a movie,with sissy spacek, but it didn't do the book justice)and submit it to one of the gurus.
maybe i'll work on that this weekend, it looks to be too yukky and grey to play outside.
calico kitty
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 12, 2002
hmm...didn't do robbins, submitted an item to the writer's workshop on robert a. heinlein. i suspect one of the ACE's or gurus will be contacting me. it IS yucky and grey outside, and i've got a laundry basket of whites to put away. that'll get me started.
go get 'em, kitty!
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calico kitty
- 1: several, a/k/a random (Sep 27, 2002)
- 2: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Sep 27, 2002)
- 3: several, a/k/a random (Sep 27, 2002)
- 4: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Sep 27, 2002)
- 5: several, a/k/a random (Sep 28, 2002)
- 6: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Sep 28, 2002)
- 7: several, a/k/a random (Sep 28, 2002)
- 8: several, a/k/a random (Oct 10, 2002)
- 9: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Oct 10, 2002)
- 10: several, a/k/a random (Oct 10, 2002)
- 11: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Oct 10, 2002)
- 12: several, a/k/a random (Oct 10, 2002)
- 13: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Oct 10, 2002)
- 14: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Oct 10, 2002)
- 15: several, a/k/a random (Oct 10, 2002)
- 16: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Oct 10, 2002)
- 17: several, a/k/a random (Oct 11, 2002)
- 18: Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) (Oct 11, 2002)
- 19: several, a/k/a random (Oct 11, 2002)
- 20: several, a/k/a random (Oct 12, 2002)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."