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Please solve this assessment test:

Post 1


Twenty minutes later the two men again apeared at the gate , this time with one revolving chair and thier bags. It was the company's brake time. They told the security guards that they again needed to go and buy a spare part to repair the chair, and asked the guards to help them look over the faulty chair till they return.The guards obliged them and let them off without searching. By the end of brake hour, the two workmen have still not returned and poeple started raising alarm of missing lap-top.

From the above scenario identify the errors made by concerned at BMK and suggest measures you would adopt to avert future occurrence(s).

Please solve this assessment test:

Post 2



20 Minutes ago two workmen entered the site, presumably security checked that they were legitimate workmen before letting them enter?

Assuming they were legitimate workmen. If they were going to buy a part to repair the chair they would have established the fault already.No need to check the chair or take it to the exit.

Legitiamte workmen would not ask untrained security to spot faults and security should not get involved in any activities other than their own role.

Did I pass the test?

Please solve this assessment test:

Post 3


Hi Obviously not cos I just re-read the question and realise I have not answered the second part.

Measures to adopt.

Expected visitors must be reported to security by site employees prior to their visit and their credentials checked at gate before entering site.
Visitors to be issued with and instructed to wear identification badges whilst on site. Site emplyees should be encouraged to assist in site security by looking out for people with visitors badges being in area's they should not and reporting this to Security.
Visitors must be collected and accomapnied from gate to working area by an employee of site.
Visitors must sign out and security instructed that under no circumstances should they engage in other activities.
smiley - smiley

Please solve this assessment test:

Post 4


Where's the first bit? 'Twenty minutes later' implies something is missing.

Please solve this assessment test:

Post 5


I think the first bit is assumed i.e. an event took place 20 minutes prior( details are presumed to already be known)and the question relates to the later events.
That's how I treated the question anyway.

smiley - smiley

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