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The Music in the 1990s entry

Post 1


Wasn't sure where to put this thread, sorry...

Just saw the music entry pop up on my PS. It's looking really good. Glad to see some of my stuff survived, but it's FAR more comprehensive and useful now.

In the cutting and pasting to put the thing together, there've been a couple of duplications. Just on a first pass, the trip-hop section is duplicated (in spirit) in a paragraph of the hip-hop section, the para that begins "Grunge settled on a..." has one too many of the word grunge in it (ie the last bit of the last sentence could probably be edited out). Also in the grunge section, there are two references to Nirvan selling millions of albums - one of these could be trimmed. And so on.

Might be worth popping my paragraph about Big Beat back into the dance section as well - just a suggestion. Can't get away without mentioning the Chemical Brothers, surely smiley - smiley

Good work, this is a mammoth Entry. Makes me want to overhaul all the other decades now...


The Music in the 1990s entry

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Thanks for that, Dr Matt - we were really spoilt for choice on this one. As I mentioned in one of the review threads, I'd assumed this topic was dead, so I asked for help from a friend who's a music journalist who's worked for us on occasion. Beth also did a lot of work on it and I was in the process of pulling it all together when I saw your entry, which had a few cross-over sections but also a lot of equally brilliant commentary on the genres and subgenres of the time.

As far as I know, no-one's bothered that much with sport or world event sof the 1990s... smiley - smiley

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