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Grand Rapids

Post 1


I live in this town and would like to change a few things up. How can I do this?

Grand Rapids

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit browsing the Guide
"Ah, I remember your quest. It concerns the entry in the FleaMarket, once written then dropped by 'Khyron1144'. smiley - smiley

The procedure is as follows, drop a message at Khyron's space < U1321262 > ( if you can not find where to leave the message < <./>Addthread?forum=2021954</.> &gtsmiley - winkeye. This could be something like:
[Taking over the Grand Rapids Entry]
[I happen to live there, and I would like to finish your entry to get it into the Edited Guide]

This is just an example. smiley - smiley

Then you create an entry of your own < <./>UserEdit</.> >.
Open < <./>test3670210</.> >, copy the part between and way down .
Paste this into your own entry.
Add the Subject to your new Entry.
Save your Entry.
Use the Edit button on the top to open it again, then fill in the user number of 'Khyron1144': 1321262 as contributor.

Make the changes as you were suggesting in the 'Ideas for expansion' thread.

Check the < <./>writing-guidelines</.> >.

Now your entry should be ready for the review forum. smiley - smiley "

Grand Rapids

Post 3


The instructions in the previos post were fairly extensive.
I just wondered if being new he could fiind the button on his personal space maked "Create A New Entry" to open the page where his article would go.

Grand Rapids

Post 4


Of course he doesn't have to find that if he clicks on User Edit above smiley - ok

Grand Rapids

Post 5


I note that Kyron finally checked in but now the other researcher is probably gone.

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