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Putting an entry in Flea Market

Post 1


I did a search for Alexander the Great and found this entry: A3352376.

The author has elvised, but the entry is pretty good and doesn't seem to need too much work doing to it.

Any chance of sticking it in the Flea Market? I'm not sure whether this is the right place to ask, or whether I can submit it there.

Putting an entry in Flea Market

Post 2


I've just realised, it says on the Flea Market page that the entry has to have been in another review forum, I'm not sure whether this has. What happens now?

Putting an entry in Flea Market

Post 3


The Flea Market is the shop window for decent entries that for one reason or another didn't make it all the way to the Edited Guide. In this case the author didn't start the process of submission. However that shouldn't deter you.

What you need to do if you want to submit it, is to re-write it in your own words; removing and adding stuff as appropriate. Add the original author as a co-contributer; leave a message on their U-page saying your doing this (with link to your new entry); then if you receive no objections from this original author, submit it to Peer Review.

Putting an entry in Flea Market

Post 4


smiley - ok

Cheers Greydesk!

I wasn't quite sure how it worked given that it was never actually submitted.

It seems to me though that we have a flaw here. Becasue it was never submitted to a review forum, it doesn't get put in Flea Market. If I didn't want to write it myself, it would have stayed there and presumably still not been put in Flea Market. There must be loads of these good entries just gathereing dust. I don't see a way to solve the problem though. smiley - erm

Putting an entry in Flea Market

Post 5


I think what used to happen in this case was that you could have submitted the Entry to Peer Review yourself. That way you were working as an advocate for someone else's Entry. It would have been Peer Reviewed and then the likelihood would be that it would then progress to the Flea Market for grabbing from there.

However, as with any Entry that is not in the Edited Guide, if you write an Entry yourself and put it into the EG before someone else has, it's yours!

If you use another Entry for the basis of your own I think then you can either co-credit the author or even use the CREDIT tags, which seem to thave fallen into an 'Illustrated by' hole. I feel the tags could be used in more varied ways, such as 'Inspired by' or 'Original Entry/Concept by'.

Anyway, my smiley - 2centssmiley - winkeye

MJ smiley - ok

Putting an entry in Flea Market

Post 6

I'm not really here

It should be co-credit, rather than custom credit for this one.

The Eds did say they'd limit the use of the custom credit tag to certain titles, but as they can't see it until it's Edited (yes, it's in the code, but do they look that hard? smiley - winkeye), everything I've used it for has been accepted.

Putting an entry in Flea Market

Post 7


Thanks. I gave the original author a co-credit. It make take a while to get it done, since although there is a lot of detail, I need to do some research and check that all the info is correct.

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