A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

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Post 1


In my PS, after posting, it showed the conversation to have '-1 new posts'. Also, the 'Lat Reply' remained at what it had been previously. Others don't seem to have this problem. What's happening?

I thought prehaps I was being moderated or something (although I really don't know why). So I checked my e-mail, but there was no email from the site.

What's going on?


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Post 2

Trin Tragula

It is happening to everyone, don't worry smiley - smiley

This morning's update has gone a bit wonky, basically ...

-1 new posts

Post 3

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

"This morning's update has gone a bit wonky, basically ..."

Again, don't worry it's a regular occurance when the servers are updated and repaired, it'll ssettle down in a couple of days........weeks smiley - erm

-1 new posts

Post 4

Trin Tragula

Actually, it seems to have got a *lot* better, just in the last few minutes smiley - bigeyes

-1 new posts

Post 5


Thanks for the explanation!

You're right, everything seems to be pretty much normal again.


smiley - smiley

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Post 6

Trin Tragula

Apparently, the improvement is because the 606 messageboards have just closed ... not quite 'fixed', then.

-1 new posts

Post 7

I'm not really here

*ahem* it's a feature, not a problem with the update - it was designed to do this. There may be more 'official' news at some point. In fact, here's some...http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/F94020?thread=2270498

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Post 8

Trin Tragula

A feature, yes - but it was causing problems this afternoon: the slower refresh rate was dragging back to about an hour which meant there was no way of being aware of whether there were any actual new postings on any thread you were subscribed to.

Jim Lynn said it would be a couple of days before they could iron it out smiley - smiley


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Post 9

Trin Tragula

(And the next question - why is this thread showing up twice on my Convo list? smiley - silly)

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Post 10

I'm not really here

" there was no way of being aware of whether there were any actual new postings on any thread you were subscribed to."

That's what the developers told us it was designed to do. I wasn't talking about the minus posts, sorry, just the delay in updating converstation lists.

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Post 11

Trin Tragula

I think it was just that the delay was longer than they thought it was going to be - It's absolutely fine now.

But when 606 comes back on tomorrow, I assume it's going to go funny again?

-1 new posts

Post 12

I'm not really here

I think they anticipated half an hour at busy times, but I'm only going by 'casual' conversations in the office.

-1 new posts

Post 13

Trin Tragula

Really? smiley - bigeyes It was pretty unworkable earlier today, no way of having a 'conversation' as such, because you couldn't tell whether anyone was replying.

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