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Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 1

Deputy Assistant Chief Cook and Bottlewasher

Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Due to circumstances beyond my control I am not at liberty to save a "cookie" on my computer and so I need to Login each time.

There is a small text link to the Login page, but a nice big prominent, friendly button would be nice.

Thank you,

Deputy Assistant Chief Cook and Bottlewasher (Researcher 103181).

Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 2



This sounds like a good idea. Suggestions like this will usually be sorted quicker if they are in the Feature Suggestions page, though.

I'll put a link to the posting there for you.


Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 3


It could be set up so that if no cookie were present the Logout button became a Login one instead. In fact, isn't the menu bar already different if there is no cookie?

smiley - rose

Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 4


We are going to add a login button as soon as we can. Currently Jim's away on paternity leave, and Dharmesh is busy learning the system.

But yeah, it's definitely going to happen!


Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 5


Woohoo! Please tell me it's going to be on -every- page and not just th the front page?

I'd especially find it handy on those pages that pop up to tell you 'Sorry, you can't post unless you log in first' ... I can't count the times I've just been lurking through the forums and find something I just -had- to comment on and... oops.. forgot about that... What would be Really Nice(tm) here would if after logging in you were returned, instead of to your homespace, to the reply editor. (That could apply to other areas as well.. whenever you get a page that says, "you can't do that without getting your cookie", have a button to take you to login and then return you to where you were so you can continue.)

smiley - rose

Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 6

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Sounds like an excellent idea to me! smiley - ok

How much work does that need? Techies, please?

Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 7


Bunches.. or one line. smiley - devil/smiley - angel

smiley - rose

Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 8


Perhaps, instead of a seperate login button, the Register button could become a 'Register/Login' button - which links to the register page... except now, the registration page has a seperate dialogue for logging in.



Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 9


If you mean add a 'current users log in here' section above a 'Don't have an account yet? Register here:' section like most loginable places, then I could live with that. smiley - winkeye

smiley - rose

Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 10


In my experience, on the Front Page in logged-out mode there's a link to Login in the text that says about getting your h2g2 account. It still should be on the button bar though...

smiley - fullmoon

Oh dear, lunch is over, back to work... smiley - cry

Please can we have a "Login" button on the Front Page?

Post 11


I hardly ever come in through the front door.. Usually I slip in through my apartment window, so to speak. smiley - devil

smiley - rose

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