A Conversation for Editorial Feedback

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Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 21

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - laugh

Sheesh, Serephina!

*ahem* For the record, Serephina has just come out of hospital, guys.

*shakes head at S*

smiley - biggrin

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 22


I'll be into the bottle later smiley - laugh

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 23

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

smiley - yikes

Are you turning into a liquid?

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 24

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - yikes
Not with all that swill milling about you I hope!!
Take care of yourself, S
smiley - hug

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 25

Titania (gone for lunch)

Wouldn't a few rewordings be enough to satisfy all?

For example, instead of:

"she realised her psychic gifts early on"

to say

"she believed herself to have pshychic gifts early on"

(by the way, feel free to correct me if my English isn't correct, since it's a foreign language to me anyway)

"he disapproved of her interests and her abilities as a psychic and medium"

This is one of Gnomon's objections - would this be better:

"he disapproved of her interests and her claimed abilities of being a psychic and medium"

Again, I'm not convinced this is the best wording, but I hope you can sense what I'm hinting at?

Maybe Gnomon could suggest alternative suggestions for the parts that he finds most provoking?

To me, there doesn't appear to be that many parts that would need to be edited, just a few... but that's just my smiley - 2cents

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 26


Thanks Titania smiley - cheers

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 27


For someone who isn't native English, that works very well, Titania. smiley - smileysmiley - hug

It works for me.

smiley - fairy

long time, no see... it's been a long time since we spent time in a garden together...

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 28

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Gnomon. I've never, ever had cause to be upset with you, but I am now.

I'm a true believer in Christianity and what you're attempting to do is to call me dumb, stupid, idiotic or whatever.

I'm not.

Your views are your own views, but to rip apart an entry that is well written, and as far as the author is concerned, well founded, that's not fair.

Tell me...can you explain to me why I wanted to tell G's (my husband) parents not to go on holiday? Can you tell me why, as they left our house on the Saturday night, to go away on holiday on Sunday morning, I had the greatest urge to tell them not to go? I told G of my concerns and he called me daft.

On Sunday morning, G's grandfather had a stroke. He died some hours later.

If I'd have acted upon my urge to tell them not to go, then G's father may have been able to say goodbye to his father.

Tell me. Am I deluded?

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 29

Gnomon - time to move on

VV, I have no objection to you believing in Christianity, although I think you are wrong.

I have no objection to you thinking without proof that you had a genuine premonition. Again, I think you are wrong.

I have no objection to Doreen Valiente or Serephina thinking they have special magical powers.

These are issues that we can agree to differ on.

But I object to the Guide stating as fact that Doreen Valiente has/had special magical powers - this is an insult to my beliefs.

I would equally object to the Guide stating as fact that the Christian God exists, or that Jesus really did rise from the dead. You are entitled to believe that he did, but equally I am entitled to believe that he did not.

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 30

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Yes you are entitled to your own beliefs, but don't berate people for doing an entry on their own beliefs. A belief that many millions of people also believe.

They way you've done this is so wrong Gnomon.

They always say never to talk about politics or religion, for this very reason.

You must agree that the entry is well written, and she has done her research on this. It's not something she's popped out of thin air.

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 31

Gnomon - time to move on

Of course I agree with that. She's entitled to express her beliefs, and the entry is very well written.

What I object to is the statements that Doreen Valiente had psychic powers.

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 32

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

This could have been dealt with in such a better way than this.

You've really upset her you know Gnomon. I mean, really upset her.

I don't think that because "proof" as in documented proof is not available, doesn't mean she didn't have those powers.

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 33

Gnomon - time to move on

I've really upset her, have I? Well, she's really upset me.

I've worked so hard on this guide, and then to come across this.smiley - sadface

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 34

Gnomon - time to move on

Oh, why do I bother? WHat a waste of my life.

smiley - run

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 35

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Gnomon, you can't open a can of worms and then run off.

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 36

Gnomon - time to move on

How would you feel, VV, if you saw an Entry on the Front Page, stating that Jesus Christ faked all his miracles by doping his audience with hallucinogenic drugs? Not just that some small religious sect believed that he did, but that he actually did?

Such a view should have been caught by the Editors in their so-called "final polishing".

To me, this is no different.

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 37

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

But I don't understand why being Wiccan upsets you so much.

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 38

The H2G2 Editors

Hello all,

Thanks for your feedback on this.

The Guide will include have Entries on religion and beliefs. However, it's not our intention to present any of them as being grounded in scientific principle. We feel that Dorothy is a suitable subject for the Guide as we would any important figure to a particular branch of belief.

By the way, it's not our opinion that the Editors are infallible and we always appreciate positive feedback. It's in the nature of this Guide that things can change and are flexible. Hopefully, though, debate doesn't have to lead to polarity - we all want what's best for the Guide so hopefully that can take us forward.

We're happy to change 'she realised she had psychic powers' to a form of language more of us are happy with, but we'd prefer your input before we do this.

The Editors

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 39

Gnomon - time to move on

VV, people being Wiccans doesn't upset me at all. I think the Wiccans are probably among the most pleasant religious people I have ever met, quietly getting on with their own beliefs without trying to force them on others.

Shame on you, h2g2!

Post 40

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

But you have taken great offence at someone who says they have physic abilities. Just because you haven't got them doesn't mean they don't exist.

For example, the first person who claimed the world was round was ripped to shreds. He couldn't prove his hypothesis at the time, yet he was right.

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