The h2g2 Post 17.02.25

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 17th February 2025

The week's title is More Things in Heaven and Earth. Clockwise from upper left: A reed bunting against a blue sky, a large assembly of juncos in a snowy bush, the Waldensian Temple in Rome in gorgeous sunlight after a shower, a sign for Benny Hill Close, an icy lake in New England, the Fontana della Barcaccia in Rome, a pair of shoveller ducks in an English wetland, a rock on the Scottish coast that has deep holes worn in it, A grey heron in flight over marsh reeds, a pink bus advertising for women drivers with a balding male driver, and a wooden pile in a lake, reflected in the water's surface.

Indeed, there are more things in heaven, Earth, and the universe generally than are dreamt of by the people who are currently making for madness in your timeline. Ignore them, briefly, and enjoy a respite with us. We are busy noticing important things like reflections in water, the colour of sand, and the behaviour of birds. Yes, birds turning stones. Birds congregating in snowy bushes. Birds flying here and there, admiring their reflections, just hanging out and being beautiful. Cover us with feathers, we still wouldn't look that good. Enjoy the images, mostly supplied by that indefatigable bird observer, SashaQ. (I saw some out my window when it snowed.)

People have noticed other things: weird signs, for instance. Or a Waldensian temple in Rome. (Waldensians? Seriously? In Rome? Gotta love it.) Or strange rocks and interesting statues. Join in the fun and make up your own captions.

Paulh has blessed us with some poetry. I had to transcribe the poetry so everybody could read it, so I was naughty and wrote a poem in 'reply'. I guess I'm the poetry reply-guy now. So sue me.

In addition to nature, tourism, and snark signage, we have wit and humour in this issue. See if you can find it. Bring your own magnifying glasses.

Have the best week possible under the circumstances. Please keep sending me photos, artwork, fiction, essays, and yes, even poetry. We're going to fiddle our way through the disaster, even if we're not sure whether to play a hymn or something similarly uplifting.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
Lester's Uncle Al, who had moved to Plains from Alabama, refused to change time zones and, like my father and others, deeply resented the government's imposition of Daylight Savings Time as contrary to God's law. Throughout the last decades of his life, Mr Al lived by Central Standard Time, rising later than his neighbors, eating dinner at two o'clock in the afternoon, and retiring when it was dark in Alabama.

– Jimmy Carter, An Hour Before Daylight, p150.
Lovebirds by Willem.

February 2025 Create Challenge:
What Does Love Look Like?

Video Extra:
The 42-Second Philosopher:
Hidden Music
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A Blizzard of Juncos

A blizzard of juncos, by DG.



Oh, Look, Rocks

Beach rocks by Paigetheoracle.


Even the Juncos Are Tired of Snow
Juncos in a bush on Groundhog Day, by DG.

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