A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem


Post 1


Well i loved it and thought how true!! Good on you and your thought process!! I write a little poetry myself and so i appreciated it!! Although i do not proffess to write in your league!!

Jules xx


Post 2


Thanks for the kind words! This poem started out as a silly thing about mimes and then morphed into something serious. Funny how these things end up in unexpected places.

If you write poetry and feel like sharing, try sending some of your work to The Post. We love poetry around heresmiley - smiley and the editors are happy to have contributions.

Qsmiley - huh


Post 3

Post Team

Absolutely - although current ones have to take precedence over general ones at times... ie next week we have a special one because it is Mothers Day in the UK. smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - thepost


Post 4


Just thought i'd share one of mine with you ...........


Not for the shallow or timid!!

Heaven and hell,
Life and death,
Bench marks for the feelings of the multitude,
Mortal frailties,
Go beyond,
Soar outwards,
Seek the unattainable,
Deny yourself nothing,
Reach for a higher plane,
There, fulfilment lies,
Bountiful in it's offerings,
Free your mind, allow the pain and the joy,
To escape,
Failure confines you to the cage of humanity,
Eventual insanity,
Boxed in with the rats, the dogs, the sheep,
Release the yoke of burden, feel the expansion,
Glean immortality,
Expectations unquantifiable.

Not as clever as yours, but i like to write, will share another at some other time ..........

Jules xx


Post 5

Post Team

Thank you Jules smiley - smiley

We'll try to fit this in as a Post poem sometime in the future. smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

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