The Imperial 1st Fleet
Created | Updated Nov 4, 2003
Here follows some general information on the Imperial 1st Fleet, defenders of the United Intergalactic Imperium:
Supreme Commander:His Divine Shadow
Command ship:The Divine Light -heavily modified Vorlon Dreadnought
Secondary Command Ship:The Ultra Shadow -heavily modified Centauri Vorchan Cruiser
Primary Superweapon: The Death Star III- custom deep space station
Secondary Superweapon: Fore-Shadow- custom grown insectoid space craft
Primary Base: Kashyyyk
Primary Space Station: Center Point Station, moved from inter-orbit position between Talus and Tralus to orbit over capital world of Mon Calimari
Ships in first fleet:
The dedicated function of the Imperial Fleet is to enforce Inter-Galactic law, protect the interests of Hell and Heavy Weapons Corporation and its business partners (Duckman Industries), and to protect the United Intergalactic Imperium.
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