The Death Star III

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The Death Star III is the latest and greatest in Imperial planet smashing technology. It fires a beam of plasma that can penetrate a "Fortress" class multi-layered/honey combed planetary deflector shield in 1/64th of a second, another 64th of a second later, the core of the planet will have been heated so rapidly that it will explode outward, ripping the planet into pieces ranging from the size of dust to that of Texas.

The Death Star III, whos design has been altered and improved upon by both the Mon Calimari and Verpines is finally the impreginable station that the very first prototype had promised to be. This new incarnation of the great Death Star mounts not only the planet smashing super weapon and the overwhelmingly large number of Turbo-laser batteries of its predicesors but also the missile ports of several Torpedo Spheres and enough anti fighter and anti missile lasers to defend an entire planetary hemisphere!

Type: Custom Deep Space Station

Diameter: 600 kilometers

Engines: Anit-gravity, heavy ion, jump engines (hyperspace)

Sensors: Anti-cloak and standard, range- over 20 light years

Shields: Heavy Mon Calimari planatary deflector shields

Armor: Mon Calimari

Primary Weapon: Super Heavy Composite Turbo-laser (firing rate of 2 shots per second, for an hour)

Secondary Weapons: 1,575,000 Imperial enhanced Centauri Quad Arrays (like Turbo-lasers, but with greater yield, range, and firing rate) and 1,575,000 Ion Cannons (disable ships)

Tertiary Weapons: 472,500 Proton Torpedo/Cuncussion Missile tubes (in battaries of 18), 1,750,000 anit-fighter/anti-missile composite Beam Lasers (like the ball turrets on the Republic Gunships in Episode II), and 10,000 tractor beams (with variable power settings)

Fighter craft: over 200 wings total (100 of each type) which is 15,200 individual craft

The Death Star III is the primary superweapon of the Imperial First Fleet

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