A Conversation for GG: Tuna and Broccoli Bake

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Post 21

Gnomon - time to move on

Good News! smiley - biggrin

Thanks, everybody! I still a bit to go before I match Jimi X and Demon Drawer. I've only about 80 solo entries at the moment.

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Post 22


*only* 80? I've got like 14 smiley - blue

I thought you had less than that actually. Well done anyway!

smiley - blacksheep

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Post 23

Mu Beta

Well, given that Gnomon's nickname last week contained the line 'my name on 100 Edited Entries', I knew it was in that ballpark, so to speak.

I was quite surprised at how many Edited Entries my name was on, when I actually got round to making the list. Mostly collaboratives, of which I am a huge supporter.


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Post 24

Gnomon - time to move on

The actual figure is 71. I've at least another 10 in which I wrote more than 95% of the entry. But my motto is, Quality not Quantity.

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Post 25


I still haven't broken onto the second page of my MA list smiley - winkeye

Well anyway, great entry Gnomon!

smiley - blacksheep

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Post 26


* sits in a corner with 7 and sulks smiley - blue *

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Post 27

Mu Beta

Well, it's not as if you haven't had plenty of time to write them.smiley - tongueout

Anyway, as Gnomon says, quality not quantity.


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Post 28


On the bright side, you've covered the area of pasta well smiley - tongueout

smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

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Post 29


...and I've still got a couple more of them simmering away as it were smiley - smiley

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