A Conversation for The Entirely Obsolete Record Of My Drug Regime...

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 1

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

Why so much medication?? I feel bad. I am only on valium right now.

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 2

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

To begin with I was just on Paroxetine at 30mg. This however made me more suicidal rather than less socio-phobic. The Olanzapine stops me self harming. The Propranolol stop me from shaking, having a racing heart beat, hot and cold sweating etc... etc... most of the physical syptoms of anxiety... The Venlafaxine is an SSRI to help with low mood... and the Lorazepam is kind of a drug of last resort...

Does that make sense? Different drugs to do different things to alliviate the syptoms of a complex form of depression...

smiley - peacedove

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 3

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

I figured out the depression part I was wondering psychologically what it was like PTSD or manic depression or something. I am majoring in forensic psychology and I like to know what makes people tick.

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 4

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Borderline Personality Disorder. With a degree of OCD, Social Phobia and Anxiety Disorder...
I'm not a psychotic the Olanzapine is to prevent Self Injury and Suicidal behaviours...
What are you on and why?

smiley - peacedove

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 5

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

Valium, I really don't remember anymore cause I don't take it often. And Tylenol three for pain in my screwed up sholder

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 6

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

How'd you mess up the shoulder?

smiley - peacedove

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 7

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

I tore some ligaments and sprained my rotator cuff and I think am developing arthritis. It sucks really bad seeming I can't do shot put now and it's kind of my thing in school... next to color gaurd that is......

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 8

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I tore all the ligaments in my left calf and ankle... so I know just how much that is...

smiley - hug
smiley - peacedove

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 9

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

Ouch.... that sounds painful.... smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - tickle

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 10

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

It was abit yes.smiley - hugMy left ankle is still quite weak and vunerable to injuruy despite the exercise I give it. It was quite an ironic injury I'd spent a week hiking on Scotish mountains taking silly risks on dangerous rock formations etc... without any injury and then I'm making my way to go skinny dipping in a cool brook after playing rugby and I slip on a cobble stone...

Hey I'm ticklishsmiley - run

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 11

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

Comments that skinny dipping is fun and asks him if being tickled is permitted........

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 12

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Skinny dipping is indeed fun... though being bitten by the Scottish midge is less fun...

*smiley - tickleStephanie*

smiley - peacedove

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 13

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

*Laughs uncontrolably* I'm very ticklish you know. *Grabs him around his neck and hangs on for dear life*
smiley - angel

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 14

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

Read the last post.....

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 15

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Sorry about the delay in replying. Still catching up with the 4days of b/log.
*Spins Stephanie around before floping her into a conviniently placed pool by tickling under her arms*

smiley - peacedove

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 16

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

arg.... *pulls him in with her and swims quickly away* Take that vicious antagonist!!

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 17

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

*Swims after and does smiley - devilish things to the smiley - angel*

smiley - peacedove

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 18

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

What kind of devilish things??? Oh wait house rules.... darn.....

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 19

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Indeed...smiley - winkeye

*Splashes water at her*

smiley - peacedove

Dumb Question which is probably prying....

Post 20

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

*Splashes back and tells him if he wants it he can have her e-mail......*

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