The Entirely Obsolete Record Of My Drug Regime...

2 Conversations

My Meds


Sustained Release Capsules at 225mg.
I take two of these each morning, one at 150mg and one at 75mg. Venlafaxine is an anti-depressant.Venlafaxine (Efexor®) is described as a serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor (SNRI). It is essentially a “cleaned up” version of a tricyclic antidepressant that lacks the sedative properties and other common side effects of the TCAs. It is also safer in overdose.
Some trials have suggested that it is superior to other antidepressants in treating resistant depression and also that it may be more effective than SSRIs, particularly in the in-patient setting

I suffer from palpitations which is a known side affect of this drug.


Tablets. Were at 7.5mg. Now at 10.0mg.
I take this each night. Sometime it makes me feel abit "woosey".
I shouldn't drink whilst on this drug. This drug gives me distortions of vision. A known side effect of the drug.
Olanzapine is an anti-psychotic/neuroleptic tranquiliser.


25mg tablet which I take in the morning. Atenine is a Beta Blocker.

Sodium Valporate

Sodium Valporate(Epilim® Chrono) Is a Mood Stablaiser. I take this med twice a day, 200mg in the morning and again in the evening.

A very small study suggested that valproate effectively treated impulsive aggressive behaviour in BPD, which had not responded previously to an SSRI antidepressant. It is a relatively safe drug, which is generally well tolerated among patients.

Old Meds


This drug was at 30mg and it messed me up


Tablets at 1mg.
I'm ment totake half to 1mg when I feel agitated or anxious. Lorazepam is highly addictive, hence the low dose. However i save it for when I feel suicidal and take upto 3mg to "knock me out".
This med may well be stopped soon.


Tablets at 40mg.
2 to 3 each day. I take these to alleviate the physical as well as psychological symptoms of anxiety/social phobia. It also alleviates the palpitations cause by the Venlafaxine. This drug gives me a dry mouth which is a known side affect and nightmares.

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