Master B's (Brother's) Survey
Created | Updated Mar 21, 2005
What's Going on, Then?
The deal is, my brother is conducting a psychology experiment, and needs to build up some 'mock' profiles of people he's never met. Obviously, this is a little tricky, but I reckoned h2g2 would be the ideal place to get some questions answered. Ideally, I'd like at least 30-40 responses, but that might be a bit optimistic, I don't know.
The cool bit is, if you do reply, I can give you some feedback on your profile.
Go on, then. What do I Have to do?
Simply answer the 50 questions below (they're all one-word answers or on a scale of 1-201), and post your replies in a thread below. Please take note of the following, though.
- If you're uncomfortable posting them in a thread, then email me with your responses (preferably with your h2g2 nickname so I don't harrass you to fill this in again). My email address is 'ousgg' at yahoo dot com.
- I will not pass anyone's h2g2 nickname, or anything else I know about you, on to my brother. I promise - this is very important.
- For any multiple choice/one word answers, feel free to elaborate or make up your own (appropriate) answers. The words in brackets are just suggested choices.
- The questions are deliberately mixed up. Please don't try and read any logic into them2. There are a few red herrings thrown in as well.
- Some of the questions are of quite a personal nature. If you don't want to answer any of them, that's fine. Just leave your answer blank in the appropriate place.
- If some of the questions seem illogical or partly worded, just bear with it - it's all part of the game.
- Be honest! The odds are that you'll come out as a raving lunatic if you're not.
- If you do want feedback on your profile, subscribe to the Feedback thread, below, and I'll get some information from my brother.
Still game? Here's the questions:
- How well do you feel that you adapt to new situations? (1=Not at all; 20=Very well)
- How often do you drive a motor vehicle?(Frequently/quite often/not very often/not at all)
- How ambitious would you rate yourself to be?(1=Not at all; 20=Very ambitious)
- How passive are you, when confronted by other people? (1=Very aggressive; 20=Very Passive)
- When confronted with a new task, how quickly do you get stuck in? (1=Leave it indefinitely; 20=Get stuck in immediately)
- Do you enjoy solving puzzles? (Yes/sometimes/occasionally/no)
- How long have you been in your current job? (Years)
- Do you believe in the paranormal? (Yes/no/maybe)
- How well do you work under pressure?(1=I go to pieces; 20=Extremely well)
- Do you ride a bicycle? (Frequently/quite often/not very often/not at all)
- How devoted are you to your job? (1=Get me out!; 20=Very devoted)
- How brave are you in unknown situations? (1=Cowardly; 20=Brave)
- How fair-minded do you consider yourself to be? (1=Unreasonable; 20=Extremely fair-minded)
- Do you feel that you can consistently produce results? (1=Hardly ever; 20=All the time)
- How stable a personality do you feel you are (1=Angry and temperamental; 20=Very stable)
- Do you often find yourself thinking into dead ends? (No/hardly ever/occasionally/frequently)
- Are you a good decision-maker?(1=Terrible; 20=Very good)3
- Have you ever told one thing to someone's face, and then another behind their back? (Never/once/a few times/often/all the time)
- How mentally unstable do you consider yourself to be?(1=Very Normal; 20=Dribbling lunatic)
- How good at you at finishing jobs you've started?(1=Hardly ever; 20=Always)
- How flamboyant would you consider yourself to be?(1=Uptight; 20=Extremely flamboyant)
- When at the supermarket, do you often hunt out bargains? (Always/frequently/sometimes/occasionally/never)
- How well do you cope with the unknown? (1=Very Badly; 20=Extremely Well)
- How tall are you? (centimetres please)
- How many long-term relationships have you had in your lifetime?
- How many times have you visited hospital in the last 10 years?
- How impulsive do you consider yourself to be?(1=Not at all; 20=Very impulsive)
- How much control do you take in team situations? (1=very little; 20=Very much to the fore)
- Are you left- or right-handed?
- Do you gamble? (Very often/often/sometimes/occasionally/never)
- Do you attach significance to yourself and the things that you say?(1=None at all; 20=A lot)
- Would you consider moving house in the next ten years?(Definitely/given the right circumstances/possibly/never)
- How physically fit do you consider yourself to be?(1=Wheezing Wreck; 20=Athlete)
- How confrontational are you? (1=Not at all; 20=Extremely confrontational)
- How quick are you to take on board new ideas? (1=Not at all; 20=Very quick on the uptake)
- How often do you blame someone else for your mistakes? (Always/frequently/sometimes/occasionally/never)
- Do you drive above the speed limit (or, if you don't drive, would you if you could)? (Always/frequently/sometimes/occasionally/never)
- Do you have a lot of self-confidence? (1=None at all; 20=Supremely self-confident)
- How good are your reflexes? (1=Poor; 20=Brilliant)
- How good are you at using your WEAK hand for tasks? (1=Terrible; 20=Ambidextrous)
- How persistent are you? (1=Not at all; 20=Extremely)
- Would you consider yourself to be overweight? (Extremely/a fair bit/a little/a bit underweight/not at all/skinny)
- How good are you at meeting new people?(1=Very shy; 20=Extremely confident)
- How well do you work in a team?(1=Very badly; 20=At my best)
- How much do you keep to routines? (1=Never; 20=Slavishly)
- How often are you confused by irrelevant things? (1=Rarely; 20=All the time)
- How versatile do you consider yourself to be? (1=Not at all; 20=Extremely flexible)
- How clearly can you see your future at present?(1=Not a bit; 20=All mapped out)
- How much a hardworker are you? (1=Lazy; 20=Industrious)
- How much room for improvement is there in your life?(1=None at all; 20=Change it all, please)
And, if it's not too personal, could we also have your age.
Thank you again for your time