A Conversation for Master B's (Brother's) Survey

Hedrigall's answers

Post 1


1. 10 average, I suppose
2. Frequently, several times a day
3. 1, I am not ambitious
4. 15, pretty passive
5. 10, it depends on the task
6. Yes
7. 14
8. No, not at all
9. 17, I only work under pressure!
10. Not at all
11. 1 - Get me out!
12. 20 - I have no fear
13. 10, about average
14. 5, sometimes
15. 20 very stable.
16. Frequently
17. 20, very good
18. A few times
19. 15 - mad, not dribbling
20. 5, not great at the last 10%
21. 5, not flamboyant at all really
22. No.
23. 20 - learning is fun
24. 184
25. 3
26. On my own behalf? Zero.
Visiting others? Say 30.
27. 5, not impulsive
28. 15, can't watch people mess up
29. Right.
30. Sometimes
31. 4, I'm not significant
32. Possibly
33. 10, middling
34. 15, fairly confrontational
35. 20 quick
36. Never
37. Frequently
38. 8
39. 10 average
40. 15 OK
41. 10 average
42. Skinny
43. 15 good with strangers
44. 10 OK
45. 10
46. 1
47. 15
48. 1. Not a bit
49. 1
50. 10 - change some, keep some

Hedrigall's answers

Post 2


I'm 38, by the way

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