A Conversation for To a Relation Who Has Cancer

Thoughts and prayers

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello Researcher 219271

I know you don't know me but I went to welcome you to h2g2 on your "Personal Space" - but until you update it {just click the "edit page" button and type something, then click "update"} I'm afraid I can't.

There are others here who will share your pain and possibly help.

I could tell you now some researchers who have had cancer and survived, one at the age of 16.

My own daughter has had an abnormal smear test result and is awaiting a cone biopsy.
She is 23.

I am sorry about your relative and want you to know that I am thinking about them and you, and wishing you both well.

Kind regards,
Galaxy Babe {Annie}

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