To a Relation Who Has Cancer

1 Conversation

You're not well. I know that. You had an operation today, and survived it. I'm glad for you, but it's not over yet. I know that and of course you know it too. You've seen it all before haven't you? Watching your mother die slowly before your eyes. And then there was your father too....

I can't take in the enormity of what you've been through, what you're going through. It's unreal, surreal and yet so, so, so real.

You won't ever read this. I know that. Our relationship isn't like that, even though I've spend so much time with you over the years. And because you'll never read this I can reveal what I've found out. Because I've been researching and I know that you don't have a great chance. Do you know that too? I don't know if that's good or bad anyway.

30% they say for 2+ years, and that's not long enough is it? You're only young. Oh please God, let me have got it wrong!

If it was me the most frightening thing would be the pain. I would rather die early without it than a few painful months later. But then I don't know how you feel about that. How poorly I actually seem to know you.

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