A Conversation for Imperial Intelligance

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This post really has nothing to do with Star Wars Imperial Intelligence. Besides the mention of Palpatine, and the post-Coruscant Imperial base planet of Bastion, this post is merely a "fan"-based thing. While Star Wars IS fiction, it does have a core canon that should not be deviated from. Plus, it takes place "a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away"--the dating convention he utilizes here is incorrect. The Star Wars chronology is based around a "before battle of Yavin" and "after battle of Yavin" dating convention. Further, there is never any reference to a PsyOps program, at least not in the manner implied (although Psychological Operations involving propaganda are quite a different story). Finally, there was NEVER a PsyOps war. I suppose, in the end, I would not be nearly so bothered if the post at least made mention to the fact that this was a clear "fan-fiction", differing from the films and expanded universe source material in almost every way.

P.S. While Palpatine did utilize some civilian intelligence agencies, it was for a better ultimate purpose for his order. He had an elite group of competing intelligence organizations, each competing with each other. The end effect? Plenty of oversight, and a strong desire to give the Emperor the intelligence information first.

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