A Conversation for ld or not ld that is the question

ld petition

Post 21


heya i had this idea too so im joining lol my user name was BabyBuffy so count me in ! and my mate used to go on it and her user name was little_miss_sporty. keep in touch babe i hope it comes back soon.

Monnlight and glitterscars
love Raevyn

ld petition

Post 22


i really need this ld to come back lol seriously. is there anyway we could email everyone that went on ld and keep them aware that ld is coming back ? that way we could give them the h2g2 addy and get them to sign the petition.
you pay a fiver a month for crappy yoome2, i know for a fact everyone that went on ld would pay a fiver to bring it back and the problem would be solved.
Ld closed because they had no money coming in. if we all pay a fiver a month like yoome2, im sure they will bring it back.

just some ideas


ld petition

Post 23


I used to go on ld years ago and i loved it. you very rarely got any hassle and whatever time you went on there was always someone to talk to. I was known as juicyfruit so you can add me to your petition. the only thing is that it'll have to come back on the net too. we used to only have telewest coz i used ld. as soon as it went and i didn't like yoome2 as much my fella changed to sky!! hopefully it'll be back soon and on the net too.

fingers crossed

if anyone remembers me then my e mail is [email protected]smiley - biggrin

ld petition

Post 24


Heya my name was babybuffy on LD count me in babes and let me know whats going on x also my friend was on there called undertaker/red/devil put him down as well i know he'd be up for it im trying to track him down actually x smiley - biggrin

ld petition

Post 25


Hey, guess my old ld user, Need ti catch up with old friends come on pps, msn:- [email protected]

Petition we'll nd truely signed,


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