AbOuT a GoTh XoX

my name is Raevyn Jezebel Skye Lucretia
but i used to be BABYBUFFY on ld i hope to get back in contact with all my old ld friends ! because i miss them soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and i hope ld comes back ! which it will ! bcos we'll make it lol
( i have many nicknames),Im female,18 this monthmonth ! I have shoulder length Black/Blue hair but im wanting to have my hair done up with big jet black and uv purple dreads,braids and cyber lace hair falls.I have Bluey/Green eyes,im 5ft5,slim(10/12),im a leo , A Deadly Ghoulscout. A Gothic Vampyr Witch, A Black Daemonic Evil Glitter Faerie xox
The Crow,Bettie Page,Musick,Art,Reading,Long Letters,True Friendship,Jack Daniels,Sweeties,Love,Kissing,Drag Queens,Black Eyeliner,Platforms,Pvc,Uniforms,Dancing,Shopping,Horror/Death Dollies,Fake Eyelashes,Faeries,Daemons,Vampyres,Elves,Gnomes,Trolls,Pixies,Horror,Animals,Night Time,Candles,Tattoos,Piercings,Pinstripe,Hats,Angel Wings,Tarot,Flirting,Graveyards,Stripey Sox,Velvet,Hairdye,Lollipops,Pouts,Glitter,Faux Fur,Uv,Erotica,Black And White Photography,Glam,Corsetry,Writing,Wicca,Drawing,Synthetic Hair,Literature,Fire,Clubbing,Texting,Fetish,Stars,Alcohol,Horror Movies,Randomness,Body Modification,The Paranormal,Halloween,Moonlight,Poetry,Lyrix,Lace,Dreams,Hugs,Darkwave,Nature,Big Boots,Weird Clothes,Crystals,Rain,Creativity,Druidry,Paganism,Fbs,Mesh,Vampyr Lore,Decos,Photos,Goth,Being Bizarre,Net,Black,Lipgloss,Black Cats,Red Roses,tears,rubber,Friends,Candlelight,Rocking Out,Snow,pink,Punx,Pen-Palling,dragons,Long Walks,Sleeping,Candle Magick,Purple,Storms,Emily Strange,False Nails,Nightmare Before Christmas,Living Dead/Bleedin Edge Dollies,Red,Gigs,Pubs,Clubs,Cocktails,Vodka,Animal Rights,Angelina Jolie,Johnny Depp,Painting,Punk Rock,Witches,Ruins,Castles,Cathedrals,Gothic Imagery,Weirdness,Haunted Places,Flames,Fireworks,Darkness,Sexuality,Lust,tape Swapping,Gothicism,Sparkles,Manga,Bondage,Mist,Spikes,Chains,Camden Market,Pentagrams,Mail Order,Passion,Romance,Sex,Kinkiness and loads more xox

Favorite Music:
Cradle of filth,The Cure,Sisters Of Mercy,My Ruin,Jack Off Jill,Marilyn Manson,Rob/White Zombie,Murderdolls,All About Eve,Siouxsie And The Banshees,The Mission,Jesus And Mary Chain,Alice In Chains,The Cult,Rachel Stamp,Nine Inch Nails,Bauhaus,Wednesday13,Scarling,Theatres Des Vampires,Switchblade Symphony,Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13,Paradise Lost,Killing Miranda,Hole,Him,A Perfect Circle,Inkubus Sukkubus,Nightwish,Fields Of The Nephilim,Skeletal Family,Depeche Mode and many more xox
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