A Conversation for Where to Find The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Bureaucracy Games
Very important question
toybox Started conversation Apr 17, 2003
Are these PC or Mac versions that you can download?
Very important question
ford puma Posted Apr 30, 2003
These are all PC versions. I shall include that in the text somewhere.
From your question, can I assume you are looking for a Mac version?
Very important question
toybox Posted May 2, 2003
Not necessarily, and no more. I personnally use a Mac but my parents have a PC so I can use any version. The only problem was that, since their PC is not connected to the Internet, I had to go and download everything from my office and bring it back to their computer. No big deal as a matter of fact, as the files are pretty small .
I couldn't run Bureaucracy for some reason though .
Still, I believe some Mac version would be advisable, as DNA was a great Mac user .
Very important question
Semisomna Posted Nov 29, 2003
For some reason, I can get Bureaucracy to run on my computer (running WinME, of all things) and not on my sister's (which I'm on now, which is running '95). One would think version of Windows wouldn't matter, considering how long ago the originals came out, but one never knows.
Incidentally, I found a version of the game that runs (badly) directly in DOS, which makes me suspect that they're very DOS-ish and not very Mac-ish, though they're simple enough that they could probably be adapted easily, not that I have any clue how one would go about it.
Very important question
Vornock Posted Sep 12, 2004
A Macintosh version of frotz is downloadable from http://www.ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archiveXinfocomXinterpretersXfrotz.html, along with versions for other Operating Systems.
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."