A Conversation for 24 Lies a Second

Aeon Flux

Post 1

Phil Yabutz

Thanks Awix, TimeOut agrees with you, but much less eloquently, so you've saved me a tenner (plus petrol and parking).
Next on my list is "Goodnight and Good Luck"
smiley - cheers

Aeon Flux

Post 2


De nada, Phil. It may show up on my list too - but to be honest the release of any but the most commercial of movies where I live has been appalling lately (no sign of New World at all, one late-night showing of Cock and Bull Story... mutter grumble).

Aeon Flux

Post 3

Phil Yabutz

Me too, I live near the cultural wilderness of Stoke-on-Trent. Futunately the local college had a good Film Theatre that picks up a lot of Art House and foreign language stuff and fills in Odeon and Vue black holes like The Piano, Constant Gardener, English Patient, Lost in Translation, Sideways etc. Cinema and accountants don't mix. Wwe've booked Film Theatre seats for Cock and Bull Story - looks like a good 'un.
smiley - cheers

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